Big P

Well-Known Member
he cant even be loyal to the mother of his children. Hes fucked her and hes fucking us. Ive been saying this for months that this guy is just bending us over


'Hotel security video could topple Obama's presidency'...


Photo by: splash news online

UPDATED: Reports out of Washington, DC: PRESIDENT OBAMA has been caught in a shocking cheating scandal after being caught in a Washington Hotel, with a former campaign aide.

These shocking allegations could topple both Obama's presidency and his marriage to Michelle!

A confidential investigation has learned that Obama first became close to gorgeous 35 year-old VERA BAKER in 2004 when she worked tirelessly to get him elected to the US Senate, raising millions in campaign contributions.

While Baker has insisted in the past that "nothing happened" between them, reports reveal that top anti-Obama operatives are offering more than $1 million to witnesses to reveal what they know about the alleged hush-hush affair.

Among those being offered money is a limo driver who says in 2004 that he took Vera to a secret rendezvous in where Obama was staying.

An ENQUIRER reporter has confirmed the limo's driver account of the secret 2004 rendezvous.



Well-Known Member
she's definitely prettier than michelle look at the nips on her!

i can't believe that after all the shit obama's been through to secure the position of being able to make the changes he's making he'd jack his own sack like this

Big P

Well-Known Member
damn i just saw the nips! nice catch:bigjoint:

i cant say 100% the story is true yet but i think the inquirer broke the story about john edwards affair too


Active Member
I moved out of the states for a reason..I can't stand it...look at the dumbasses we put into office...I mean, shit! and now we can impeach them for the dumbest reasons of all ;) Really, I don't care who you fuck as long as you're a good presidential leader. Impeachment over Clinton was retarded. He didn't do us any good, but neither do any of these other dumbasses.


Well-Known Member
you aren't seriously quoting the national enquirer are you? this is a joke, right?
haha i was gonna say the same thing. OP do you forget bat boy, the 11th commandment or some of the other nonsensical stories the enquirer pulled out their asses

seriously, powerful men want to get their dick wet as much as you or i. and if theres one thing better than constant pussy, its new pussy. a man having an affair dosnt mean hes a bad president; it makes him a MAN with all the flaws that come along with being a man

all this stuff in the news about famous men cheating is really pissing me off. what do women want in a man more than power money and fame? its been happening for eons, it will continue to happen, the media needs to take their noses out of peoples private "affairs". isnt there some kind of law against this?

the southpark about sex addiction was priceless and made wonderful points


Staff member
OMFG ITS A ALIEN WIZARD!!!!!!! seriously though ,i thought he was all bout the change his change is still war just in another place:(


Well-Known Member
Yup....right....If you read it in the enquirer is gotta be true....
God Bless America.


Well-Known Member
quite frankly... i don't care who he fucks.

As long as he's making the right decisions for america (which he's not) that's all I care about.


Well-Known Member
I bet if it turns out to be true(which it probably isn't)Michelle stays with him lol