National geographic marijuana issue


Well-Known Member
i was watching a national geographic show called " inside " and this particular show was concerning marijuana and all aspects of it,

its a 5 part vid i found on youtube!

you have to check it out! and in the 4th vid
at 3:47 the guy is painting some sort of black ointment on his buds?? anybody know what the hell that stuff is????
he looks like he knows whats going on!:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
im thinking its maybe just some sort of protective salve he applies on weak parts of the plant??? but i have no idea


Well-Known Member
A National geographic video on marijuana??? damn no wounder my grandma knows more then me @ growing weed. hahah damn t.v. stations showing people how to grow the dank on public t.v.:joint:


Well-Known Member
yea i seen that shit i was thinkin tha same thing..
the only thing i could thing of was aint that what molassas looks like? but then iv never heard of it being applied straight to the buds.

nick the sick maniac

Well-Known Member
maybe he has mold on his buds and he puts black stuff on it to help it, he was spraying his buds with something before that scene too which is a big no no

tomato worm

I've seen this on TV a few times. I didnt think it was all that good/accurate.

The MSNBC (Marijuana inc) is much better. The actual $ amounts quoted are always going to be exaggerated for shock value, but its still pretty good. Its been beaten like a dead horse as far as being re-run. Its been cited as the most viewed documentary in CNBC history.


Active Member
you put that same shit on tree branch stumps when you tree trim. it dries hard and repells pests and disease to an exposed "wound"


Well-Known Member
Ex-treeman here and I believe that Bdomina is correct. We use a sealant on the cut wounds in the tree industry to prevent the bad stuff from getting into the trees (bugs, fungi, disease). Very common to use with hardwood (oaks, maples...) since they dont put out the sap like a pine would.
That old boy has been around the block a few times, would luv to smoke a fattie with him and pick his brain, I guarantee that guy can teach us all a trick or two!


Well-Known Member
there are pastes that are specifically for sealing cannabis wounds.... tree pastes etc. that is most likely what he was doing, as he was applying it to the underside of a weighed down branch where some splitting may have been occuring, allowing for more support and a clear passage to the buds for water and nutrients/energy to increase cellular development, :)


Well-Known Member
I've seen this on TV a few times. I didnt think it was all that good/accurate.

The MSNBC (Marijuana inc) is much better. The actual $ amounts quoted are always going to be exaggerated for shock value, but its still pretty good. Its been beaten like a dead horse as far as being re-run. Its been cited as the most viewed documentary in CNBC history.

No Offense intended personally dude..... but I HATE your username