National Geographic Marijuana Nation documentary


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Did any of you guys catch this documentary? How did you guys like it?

For those who missed it...

(i hope i dont get in trouble for that link)

i loved the thesis given on PB

"Reporting from secret farms and not-so-secret grow houses of marijuana cultivators, Lisa Ling goes into their world -- where marijuana is not just a drug but a way of life."

What program do i need to watch this, windows media won't play it??


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what kind of file you have, but you're probably missing a codec. Rather than try to figure out which one you need, it's easier to just use VLC Media Player. That thing will play damn-near anything.


Well-Known Member
What gets me is they show the nirvana site at the begining the site that riu promotes and they go directly from showing ordering seeds from them to the feds busting in peoples door i ordered seeds about 9 days ago from them they should be here any day atleast i hope its just kinda crazy the way they showed it for any1 who watched it knows wat im talkin about i didnt even realize it till the 2nd time i seen it it freaked me out oh well i hope my shit comes and its all good guess well see huh?/???????