waivers are being issued so that the transition is less bumpy. they're not permanent either. they're granted on a case-by-case basis and they are no surprise, at least to me. I knew some organizations were going to apply for and receive waivers... to a reasonable person that doesn't seem weird, to somebody suffering from delusions and paranoia that means there's a backroom, cement shoes if you don't cooperate, mafia kingpin chicago muslim socialist conspiracy going on....
here's what I most noticed about the article.
45 of 222 waivers, a whopping 27.27% of all waivers have been granted to labor organizations. the vast minority of waivers granted have gone to labor organizations.... why that is a red flag only jeff knows....
You sir are correct. And from that i take you to be something of a democrat.
I am not in the US, i am in New Zealand. We have the healtcare plans you had all been dreaming of for years. Full credit to Obama and his outfit for giving it to you, but YOU the people (mostly republicans from what i hear) need to be patient. The waivers are neccesary for the transition to be smooth. I mean come on, this type of healthcare reform could be expected to take a decade. But these waivers suggest the transition should be in effect by 2014. So come on, be patient. Dont vote Republicans, give Obama the turn he deserves. Cant you see he is saddened by the lack of unity in your country, sure you've taken knocks but for fuck sake the man is trying to do good, he is the first black man in power and he wouldn't abuse that priveledge he needs your help!
Obama is doing the best he can for you guys, look at the shit he had to clean up when that other fuckwit you had in the oval office left, dont even say his name - it makes me sick!
Go Obama!.... the rest of the world can see his intentions are the best thing to hit the U.S. since god knows when. Work with him, not against him. Dont watch FOX/CNN, kill Bill O'reily and hang Bush by his neck for murder, Palin and that fuckwit McCain can suck a fat cock too....