National shortage of #4 perlite

I transplanted a pineapple express (far left), 2 hash plants, and a black widow (far right) into the hydroton clay pebble filled 5 gallon hempy buckets 2 days ago. They're taking to the hydroton like a fish to water. The black widow should have been transplanted a week ago, and it was in bad shape 2 days ago. She brightened up nicely in her new home. New foliage looking lush and thick. I plan to clean and reuse the hydroton after each harvest. That's about $250 savings every 11 weeks or about $1000 per year. That savings pays my water bill for the entire year and leaves about $400 leftover. Good action.

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The only issue you may have is that hydroton will absorb nutrients over time while perlite stays inert after washing
I'm on the dark side of the moon sir. Synthetic hydroponic water to waste hempy buckets in 100% perlite. Hauling dirt and all the bugs turned me off to organic gardening. However, I plan to experiment with 2 plants next week. Good organic dirt nicely amended and I'll probably use the general organics base fertilizer. Dirt produces the best tasting pot in my personal experience. I didn't even use organic fertilizer before I switched to hydro. GH 3 part flora series several grows in a row with outstanding results. My fan leaves always started yellowing at week 4 in flower, but the quality of the pot was just spectacular. I didn't over feed and did a feed, water, water, feed regimen. Never exceeded 850 PPM. Stopped fertilizer and applied plain water for the last 10 days to get the ladies to yellow up nicely. I can grow great tasting pot in hempy's, but it doesn't hold a candle to dirt grown plants. There's something about dirt and cannabis.
We are kinda neighbors. I am organic soil only. When you want to come over to the soil world. I have a better mix for you. All local except the dry fert and coco-coire. Blows Pro Mix and FFOF out of the water. On my second year now and refined the mix. I'll be using it exclusively from here on out after 2 years of side by side comparisons. Good riddance to FFOF.

And there are no bugs indoors unless you introduce them. No shoes in room ever. Change clothes and wash hands if playing in the yard. Always clean person and supplies.

Did you check Flowerland on 28th and Clyde Park. They had 4 Cu ft bags the week after the fourth. Pricey, poor inventory management and a lot of clueless sales people. But they have a few quality products no one else does.