natural hillucinagens

i mean im down to go wherever honestly i just want one in my lifetime lol as lame as that sounds cause everyone says they're bad ass and i wanna have a bad ass time like everyone says while trippin.. dont get me wrong never had a bad trip on cid before although shrooms i have ha those are pretty fucked up too
the lies robbin banks the LIES... i just saw a marco V and 2007 sensation black and saw someone with a white shirt in the crowd. makes me want to go in all red to the white. LOL
Lol, There is only a certain part of the day when you can pick shrooms... does any one do research? Yes shrooms are from cow pies, but they only sprout during the WAY early morning... 4-5AM and then they will be gone a lil after the morning dew is gone... Good luck trying to get them, you just might meet a farmers shot gun... This is not a joke...
Lol, There is only a certain part of the day when you can pick shrooms... does any one do research? Yes shrooms are from cow pies, but they only sprout during the WAY early morning... 4-5AM and then they will be gone a lil after the morning dew is gone... Good luck trying to get them, you just might meet a farmers shot gun... This is not a joke...

and like i said earlier you can only get shrooms from a cow that has been fed grains otherwise they wont produce shrooms and it is true my friends have had guns pulled on them many times going on to private property for this reason and others
the lies robbin banks the LIES... i just saw a marco V and 2007 sensation black and saw someone with a white shirt in the crowd. makes me want to go in all red to the white. LOL
LOL yeh you always get the odd one kicking about, id rather go with the flow. but try and go sometime in your life, we only have one life and your only young once, i miss my clubbing days big time but still take in the tunes and whats going on etc. i would put most young people to shame with my info on music.
lol yeah bro i bet you would old timer... lol jk. but i wouldn't go witht he flow i like to stand out. what can i say. i'm a attention grabber. and i have to go man. it's 2 of the things i want to do befor i die. go to amsterdam and the GREATEST PARTY IN THE WORLD. i mean whats not to love.
i have wanted to take MDMA and go see pink floyd laser light show. and i rather go to sensation white the black or trance energy
but how much were tickets to it. i mean from what i saw they are like 300 bucks. or maybe i converted it wrong :smile:

oh and check out
If i was you i would go to the July one in Holland, we booked it around Jan am sure but they are doing them all over the place now, polland etc, they never used to do that, they just had one when i was a boy, just cashing in i suppose, just do some research early in the year you know your going as it does sell out rapid style.
yeah of course i rather go to holland. that doing to things in my life that i always wanted you can't beat that. and i know they sell out quick. but the energy and the scene of sensation white is just so more better than trance energy you can tell just by watching. sensation "is on a whole nudda level"