Natural Money

ahah i read it right. I do agree as well that humans are a vicious species but if you had educated human mass with a brain that can use their reason to over ride these natural instincts then we wouldnt be after all. So its the un-educated humans who are ignorant to peace not humanity.( and by educated i dont mean the educational system we have now.) This system is what is breeding these vicious humans. Of course any right mind thinking human is gonna kill a bear or anything for that matter if they come after's survival not human cognition (what i was talking about) these are things we still possess because after all we are still humans. George Karlin once said in a comedy before he died "humans are the weirdest species alive, because no other species are necrofeliac's, or kill another animal for a material value. This is true but you cant say the enviroment a human grows up in or the experiences one goes through or maybe influenced by that arent the factors why we are the way we are.

Actually I'd say every predatorial species kills other animals for its material value. We're the only species that finds value outside of the edible portions. Skin, etc, and doesn't eat those portions.
Actually I'd say every predatorial species kills other animals for its material value. We're the only species that finds value outside of the edible portions. Skin, etc, and doesn't eat those portions.

im not saying humans killing animals for skin im saying humans killing other humans for a material object. animals in the wild these predatorial animals are not doing these things because they dont have this ability that humans have to reason. If we have this then why arent we using it. Oh wait because some humans like to act like animals. Idk man i just think that if humans were educated in a proper manor to where they dont unleash this animalistic side or (act with ignorance) with knowing the reprecussions or natural consequences of their actions.
im not saying humans killing animals for skin im saying humans killing other humans for a material object. animals in the wild these predatorial animals are not doing these things because they dont have this ability that humans have to reason. If we have this then why arent we using it. Oh wait because some humans like to act like animals. Idk man i just think that if humans were educated in a proper manor to where they dont unleash this animalistic side or (act with ignorance) with knowing the reprecussions or natural consequences of their actions.

Reason #1 to support the death penalty
and oppose criminilization of behaviors that do not actually violate any one else's right to do whatever the hell they want to do peacefully.
Reason #1 to support the death penalty
and oppose criminilization of behaviors that do not actually violate any one else's right to do whatever the hell they want to do peacefully.

No...and actually i dont support the death penalty because if you would have read earlier i said
you cant say the enviroment a human grows up in or the experiences one goes through or maybe influenced by that arent the factors why we are the way we are.

So i cant support a death penalty if the reason they were like this is because of these factors theres no way. So maybe they should have an extensive psychological examination but a death penalty. Your gonna take away the only life that person ever knew to have, because who knows what happens after you die. We all know what's up with religion so need to start a book on that. Instead of taking another humans life because he took one granted If this world was living more in with the motto of an eye for an eye then the whole world would be blind. I try and stay away from vicious cycles they only right back to where you started.

But yes other crrimes shouldnt be the first priority. But thats a whole other system of government that has it's cause and effects unknown to most.
No...and actually i dont support the death penalty because if you would have read earlier i said

So i cant support a death penalty if the reason they were like this is because of these factors theres no way. So maybe they should have an extensive psychological examination but a death penalty. Your gonna take away the only life that person ever knew to have, because who knows what happens after you die. We all know what's up with religion so need to start a book on that. Instead of taking another humans life because he took one granted If this world was living more in with the motto of an eye for an eye then the whole world would be blind. I try and stay away from vicious cycles they only right back to where you started.

But yes other crrimes shouldnt be the first priority. But thats a whole other system of government that has it's cause and effects unknown to most.

Complete and total Bunkum.

By that absurd logic India should be a land where everyone (besides the Crazy Muslim Fanatics) is trying to kill everyone else.

Or in Africa, everyone should be trying to kill everyone else.

That's not the case. Only an imbecile attempts to blame the environment for the actions that a person makes.

Better yet, find out how many people in D.C. actually commit crimes. It's not the environment. It's a lack of morals, ethics and intelligence.

Environment, bah, what a bunch of leftist BULLSHIT.
Slow down there buddy no need for the name calling. I think you might have ripped your bong to hard before reading my post or the agression shows you might need to smoke....either way.:bigjoint:
-First off i said if people were more supportive of the death penalty then it would be an eye for an eye kind of world and that gets nothing resolved.
-Second India isnt a muslim dominated country your thinking of surrounding countrys pakistan, afghanistan. And why are the people in these countries killing eachother you might ask, because they were raised in an ENVIRONMENT with war and destruction and poverty and a lack of education. So thats all they know or thats really all they have to fall back on. And come on it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know not to kill someone. Their reacting to their environment in a viloent way. The environment being poverty stricken countries; third world countries, the people have to survive unlike americans. We have the luxury to not have to worry about the essentials of survival because we have cooperations to give us that convience. So yes the environment is a factor:clap:
Slow down there buddy no need for the name calling. I think you might have ripped your bong to hard before reading my post or the agression shows you might need to smoke....either way.:bigjoint:
-First off i said if people were more supportive of the death penalty then it would be an eye for an eye kind of world and that gets nothing resolved.
-Second India isnt a muslim dominated country your thinking of surrounding countrys pakistan, afghanistan. And why are the people in these countries killing eachother you might ask, because they were raised in an ENVIRONMENT with war and destruction and poverty and a lack of education. So thats all they know or thats really all they have to fall back on. And come on it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know not to kill someone. Their reacting to their environment in a viloent way. The environment being poverty stricken countries; third world countries, the people have to survive unlike americans. We have the luxury to not have to worry about the essentials of survival because we have cooperations to give us that convience. So yes the environment is a factor:clap:

Has nothing to do with their environment.

If some stupid son of a bitch breaks into my house then they are going to be killed, with out question. I'm not going to spend hours interrogating them, because where they were born has nothing to do with their stupid personal decision.

Environment, like I said, Leftist Bullshit.