Natural Pest Control Primer and Recipe


Today I thought I would share some excellent natural pest control methods, one of which I have been using for years in a vegetable garden. Since I like to eat my veggies without any chance of getting sick or dying, these methods seem totally transportable to our "babies".

This has seen a small mention here at rollitup, and I'm going to try to answer most of the questions you might have.

Pests can be a pain in the ass during any time in the growing cycle, but is always worse during the flowering cycle. Not only do we risk our crops, but we risk applying a substance on the plant that, when ingested or smoked, can cause serious harm. I had a neighbor that had an amazingly beautiful single plant on his patio that had buds on them the size of his forearms...just days before he harvested, he rang my doorbell in a panic and said most of his buds were turning a gold color. You probably already guessed they were worms, most of which had eaten through the main cola stem leaving the sticky bud completely separated from the plant (unknowingly) for about 3 days before he realized the change in color was not part of the life-cycle. They were already dried and pretty much ready to smoke right off the plant. With a big worm coiled inside each bud.

If we rewind this scenario back 4 weeks, to the original moth that laid the egg, most pest control methods, natural or otherwise, would work well. Four weeks out from harvest, most pesticides dissipate or are totally untraceable. Pyrethrum is probably the most widely used poison, and between the dissipating affect and washing your plant with a light spray before harvest, most people say you're fine. Most people don't smoke their vegetables.

But what if your deeper in the flowering cycle (two or even a week from harvesting) and you come home one day to find your closet or back yard infested with Aphids? I once had an aphid infestation from a neighbor nursery's commercial rose garden decend on my garden one fall that had to of taken all of 3 days to notice, but by the time I did notice, they were 1/16 of an inch thick on every leaf in my garden. Matter of fact, I didn't notice until I saw the wilt. If your crop depended on removing every pest in the next 4-6 hours, but you wanted to smoke your crop two weeks later, would you spray? Probably not. You would reach for detergent based naturals (Dawn and Joy are the best) and give your plants a bath. Because these pests lie on the underside of the leaf, this is a difficult task. Detergents make the plant undesirable to your plant more than they kill the pest. If you're infested, you are going to find that poison looking better than Rosie O'Donnel after half a bottle of Jack.

As your wingman, I refuse to let you do that (her). :-P

We have two natural choices: Nicotine and Sabadilla.

[FONT=arial, helvetica]Nicotine — Botanical insecticide. Pure nicotine is a tobacco extract highly toxic to warm-blooded animals. The insecticide usually is marketed as a 40% liquid concentrate of nicotine sulfate, which is diluted in water and applied as a spray. Dusts can irritate the skin and are not normally available for garden use. Nicotine is used primarily for piercing sucking-insects such as aphids, whitefiles, leaf hoppers and thrips. Nicotine is more effective when applied during warm weather. It degrades quickly, so can be used on many food plants nearing harvest. It is registered for use on a wide range of vegetable and fruit crops. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Sabadilla — Botanical insecticide. Sabadilla is obtained from the seeds of a lily-Like plant and acts as both a contact and stomach poison for insects. It is not particularly toxic to mammals, but does cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. A mask should be worn when working with this insecticide. This. material deteriorates rapidly upon exposure to light and can be used safely on food crops shortly before harvest. Sabadilla generally is used as a 5 to 20% dust or as a spray.
My choice, because it works and because its the most harmless of the choices, is the Nicotine. I've used it before, and it works damn good. I Don't make Nicotine Sulfate, but just nicotine. Nicotine Sulfate is powerful and if you choose to make and use that, wash it off your crop before smoking!

But I am going to show you how to make your own Nicotine Extract spray (Not Nicotine Sulfate) which you can spray on your crop, indoors or out, which will not only kill your bugs, it potentially doesn't need to be washed from the growing crop unless you are in the last week or so. I'll discuss this later...don't fixate on this part yet.

In a previous post on this subject, there was the following comment: "but do you really want an addictive carcinogen in your bud? Plus it would most def fuck with Ph and kill beneficial bacteria."
His first point is wrong, but the second point has merit...Lets discuss the first point. Nicotine is not a carcinogen. Tobacco and chemical found in tobacco have carcinogens when burned. Nicotine is not one of them, and if you ask your doctor if Nicotine patches or gum cause cancer, he will tell you no. Mine did, as I used the gum to quit smoking and then found out I liked the gum. For 12 years. I actually asked my specialist if the gum was bad for me...flat out he said No Way, but it would increase my blood pressure. No Cancer Risk. None. Told me its used for studies on Alzheimer's disease. But Tobacco... Cigarettes contain tobacco (tobacco contains nicotine for the high) and other chemicals to keep them lit and make them burn pretty (good cigars don't use additives) that contain tons of chemicals and additives. These cause cancer. The "Plus it would most def fuck with Ph and kill beneficial bacteria" part is correct to a very small extent, but no more than any other spray, in fact less so if my personal hypothesis is correct. (But I will personally commit to running soil samples this year with two common poisons, my Nicotine Spray, and Sabadilla, because I'm 100% organic and this is interesting to me and post the science later) This argument can be said more about Natural Soap Sprays than anything else in regards to PH. Nicotine will not mess up you PH. But Since it is a poison, it will kill pests. It will kill earthworms if you spray it on them. It will probably kill microbes because they are living beings too. But we are not going to soak our soil with them, we are going to spray the leaves. Hydro farmers can work to negate the effects by keeping the dripping solution from their tanks, plants in pots are watered heavily before I spray so that the drippings are diluted well below the ability to kill even aphids. So I theorize that one inches below the soil there is no trace of nicotine at all or any noticable effects on microbes and earthworms. PH will not be affected. But I'll prove ALL OF THAT later scientifically on another post. On to the mixture! :clap:

  1. One good Cigar or bag of natural Chewing Tobacco. No additives no preservatives...100% tobacco. I prefer an Arturo Fuente Maduro, cut in half. Smoke the first half while staring at your garden. Save the other half. A good cigar is one that is NOT bought in a gas station going by the name of Swisher Sweets. These have additive compounds. Go to the cigarette store and buy a $5 cigar of the Natural Chewing Tobacco. It's my recipe so I get to smoke half the cigar!!!!
  2. Slice it, Split it, Chop it up to about 1/2 oz of per quart of water. I make about 2 quarts from my half a cigar, but if I needed to make 2 gallons I would just go with the chewing tobacco.
  3. 1-2 oz per quart of propylene glycol. This is a wetting agent, and is optional, but it really really is the reason my juice sticks to the plant. I use it in place of Soap, which is the traditional wetting agent used to make stuff "stick" to the leaves insted of flowing off. If you want to use Ivory Dish soap (Specifically) as your wetting agent, you may, and will also get the benefit of a 1-2 punch
  4. Optional but Effective, depending on how close to flowering you are: 1 teaspoon of Tabasco Sauce per quart of water.
Mix all of the ingredients together, let stand at least 4-6 hours (if you let stand about 18 hours at room temperature you can dilute it a bit approximately 1/2 quart. Pour into a sprayer (through a screen or cheesecloth). Apply to underside and tops of leaves or any affected area.

  • I use all of the above (Tobacco, Soap, Propylene Glycol, and Tabasco) on my plants and add other ingredients based on what other pests I want to control.
    • Peppers keep squirrels and birds and some curious deer away
    • Garlic and Onions pureed in the mix (3-4 cloves, one small or 1/2 big onion) will keep all slugs and snails away...I make a specific mix and spray everything (Fences and yard and area surrounding my garden) with this.
    • Cloves and Mint are a natural Aphid Deterrent....Try making a Mint/Clove Tea Mixture and spraying on your garden regularly. Your pot will taste great I bet!
So that's all for me...I wanna play CoD with my son who just got home. Closing Notes:
Earlier I put potentially don't have to wash from your growing crop. If you're indoors or in your back yard, and can wash your plants a couple of days from harvest, then have at it if it will provide total piece of mind. I worry about wetting leaves and foliage late in the outdoor season because the cooling weather + wet leaves leads to fungus. But keep in mind there are oudoor growers who are remote and might not have the resources to simulate shower or bathe his plants prior to cultivation. They sometimes wash their buds post harvest. Decide based on the application and what you heard here or on other sites, but I personally have no fear of ultra trace amounts of nicotine on my or my patients plants.

Create a great day for yourself and everyone around you!
thats some good info but i have to wonder why you would be concerned about an extract from chrysanthemum flowers (pyrethrin), but not with an extract from tobacco? you are aware that tobacco can carry many diseases that are harmful to our plants (mosaic virus, verticillium wilt)? herbal sprays are good to knock the easy bugs down, but so is a garden hose. most flying insects will come back with in days if you dont use something that persists in the plant. if you watch you garden closely, they arent much of a problem unless you get swarmed. the major pest of cannabis, like spider mites and bud worms, will never be prevented by simple oil sprays. thats why we use specific controls for them, a little BT at the right time and you will never have an issue with bud worms.
SCCA, you are absolutely 100% correct, almost to the word. I have 2 quick thoughts I'll attribute to you...they need time to gel. I have a crop to save...see other post...

I should heat pasturize this just in case. Expensive cigars probably don't have the viral issues because they treat their crop like we do. But its a good step for when I buy a bag of chewing tobacco. Just heat it up to (maybe boiling? Vapor Poisons? Anybody?)

I use this spray to kill aphids immediately, and the uber-microscopic trace of nicotine if there at all , 1 week later, would still be within my (extreme) personal guidelines. Your point that done right, we really shouldn't have any need to spray one week before harvest is RIGHT ON! I am pounding repeatedly on your rep button for your post. Would I use this spray a week before harvest? Not unless it meant a huge harvest was gonna go bust. But if I stay out of the extreme, it would be within my (extremely) organic guidelines to say that two weeks is well beyond the all-traces-gone-so-its-ok-to-smoke limit.
Awesome information! I have some small pest problems currently. Curious, do you have any more info for obtaining sabadilla from lilly seeds? I have abundant lillys around my house and I know seed pods are coming soon.
Sorry for not responding harry, I've been busy... No information on lillies.

BUT I was at my nursery a month ago and they had Nicotina plants, which are low end tobacco plant with beautiful white flowers. The nurseryman told me that they attract mites and aphids, who feed and die very quickly....a "decoy" plant. :-)

I now have about 15 planted in my garden, and its funny how I find holes in the plants that were started by some bug, who never got to finish his meal. The rest of my garden has no aphids or mites. Doesn't mean I wont spray if I find something, but it's a new twist on the use of tobacco which I find extremely entertaining.
FYI, I had some tenacious spider mites this month. Spraying with Azamax controlled them, but one quart of tobacco water on the plants completely killed em all in one application. I used Azamax/tobbacco combination at about 5 am, and had nothing but dead bugs by noon. Woot!
hey SgtStadanka, this is really good information , I love it and already subbed this thread :) thanks for sharing with us...btw i also play CoD Black ops on xbox :)

gave ya +rep too.
i just got back from my local nursery and i was there looking for azamax , they didnt have it so after an hour of reading labels i happened to notice two little boxs in the corner on the very back of the shelf , covered in dust with their coloring faded, i go to this place atleast once sometimes twice a weak to take my daughter to look at all the flowers and stuff they have , and i pretty much always stop and look at their nutrients and stuff , but i had never noticed this before and it just so happens that i am having a war with spider mites right now so when i read what it was i had to buy it , its called "Black Leaf 40 Garden spray. Also it says on the box "The original nicotine sulphate solution. says spray flowers, shrubs , vegetables and trees. apparently it is also used "on the farm for poultry to control chicken lice and feather mites.has anyone used black leaf?
[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD]PAN Pesticides Database - Pesticide Products
[TD="class: cms_table_navLink"]Home > Pest Control Product Search[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_navLink"][/TD]
[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD]Product Name: Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data.[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website — donate to PANNA. [/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Product ID
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Identifying information, including U.S. EPA registration number, product registration status, formulation and warning label, as well as links to sources of product labels and MSDS information.[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Toxicity
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Summary of the toxicity properties of each active ingredient and the percent of each active ingredient in the product.[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Uses
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Approved uses for the product by general use type, pest, and crop or location.[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Registration
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Product registration history, including initial date registered, date cancelled (if applicable), and date registration was transferred (if applicable).[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Company
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Name, address, and identifying number of the company that registered the product. Name and address of the agent, if applicable.[/TD]
[TD="width: 5%"]Distributor Names
[TD="class: cms_table_textBlock"]Complete list of names under which this product is sold. Often a company will register a single product and then sell the same product under many different brand names. The 'Distributor Name' list is a complete list of these names.[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #00CC99"]
[TD]Product Identification for Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Basic Identification Information About This Product
[TD="width: 240"]MSDS and Product Label[/TD]
[TD] Select Source Product Labels and MSDS's - Crop Data Management Systems - Greenbook - No label images for this product in the U.S. EPA label database Material Safety Data Sheets - Vermont SIRI MSDS Archive - MSDSOnline - Cornell MSDS Collection - Where to find MSDS on the Internet[/TD]
[TD="width: 225"]U.S. EPA Product Reg No
Product Registration Status
Acute Hazard Warning Label
Restricted Use Product
PAN Bad Actor Product:
No. of names this product is sold under[/TD]
Soluble concentrate
2 Warning
2 (See bottom of page for complete list of products)[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD]Toxicity for Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFCC, colspan: 9"]Summary Toxicity Information for the Active Ingredients in this Product
For detailed chemical information click on the chemical names below

[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TH]Active Ingredients
Chemical Name​
[TH="class: cms_table_Rt"]Percent[/TH]
[TH="class: cms_table_titleCenter"]Carcinogen[/TH]
[TH="class: cms_table_titleCenter"]Developmental or
Reproductive Toxin
[TH="class: cms_table_titleCenter"]Endocrine
[TR="class: cms_table_titleCenter, bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
[TD="align: left"] Nicotine[/TD]
[TD="class: cms_table_Rt"]40.0 %[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 9"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFCC, colspan: 9"]Legend[/TD]
[TD="width: 4%"]
[TD="class: cms_table_note, width: 23%"]Indicates high toxicity in the given toxicological category.[/TD]
[TD="width: 4%"]
[TD="class: cms_table_note, width: 69%"]Indicates no available weight-of-the-evidence assessment. For additional information on toxicity from scientific journals or registration documents, see the "Additional Resources for Toxicity " section of the chemical detail page for each active ingredient.[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 4"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]Other Ingredients in this Product
[TD]By U.S. law, only active ingredients (AIs) are reported. In addition to active ingredients, pesticide products may contain one or more "inert" ingredients. Many "inert" ingredients in current use have known adverse human and environmental effects.

U.S. EPA statement on inertsU.S. EPA list of inertsNCAP Inerts Report (pdf) [/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD]Historic Uses in the U.S. for Black leaf 40 garden spray

Note! This product is now cancelled, when it was registered it was used for the following:[/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
Insecticide , Miticide[/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
Poultry mite , Feather mite , Spider mites , Lice , Leafminers , Poultry lice , Thrips , Asparagus beetle , Squash bug (nymphs) , Chinch bug (nymphs) , Apple red bug , Pear plant bug , Lace bugs , Scale insects (crawlers) , Woolly aphids , Aphids , Cherry aphid , Apple aphid , Green apple aphid , Rosy apple aphid , Mealy plum aphid , Black cherry aphid , Leafhoppers , Mealybugs , Psyllids , Ants , Roseslug , Bud moths , Blackheaded fireworm , Rabbits , Dog[/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TD]Crops and Locations
Cranberries (foliar treatment) , Currants (foliar treatment) , Gooseberries (foliar treatment) , Grapes (foliar treatment) , Strawberries (foliar treatment) , Grapefruit (foliar treatment) , Lemons (foliar treatment) , Oranges (foliar treatment) , Apples (foliar treatment) , Pears (foliar treatment) , Apricots (foliar treatment) , Cherries (foliar treatment) , Peaches (foliar treatment) , Plums (foliar treatment) , Prunes (foliar treatment) , Melons (foliar treatment) , Cucumbers (foliar treatment) , Squash (summer) (foliar treatment) , Squash (winter) (foliar treatment) , Eggplant (foliar treatment) , Peppers (foliar treatment) , Tomatoes (foliar treatment) , Cabbage (foliar treatment) , Spinach (foliar treatment) , Onions (foliar treatment) , Corn (sweet) (foliar treatment) , Asparagus (foliar treatment) , Beans (foliar treatment) , Peas (foliar treatment) , Turnips (foliar treatment) , Aster (foliar treatment) , Carnation (foliar treatment) , Chrysanthemum (foliar treatment) , Columbine (foliar treatment) , Cosmos (foliar treatment) , Dahlias (foliar treatment) , Geranium (foliar treatment) , Gladiolus (foliar treatment) , Hollyhock (foliar treatment) , Iris (foliar treatment) , Delphinium (foliar treatment) , Lilies (foliar treatment) , Nasturtium (foliar treatment) , Pansies (foliar treatment) , Petunia (foliar treatment) , Phlox (foliar treatment) , Snapdragon (foliar treatment) , Sweet peas (ornamental) (foliar treatment) , Tulips (foliar treatment) , Zinnia (foliar treatment) , Canna (foliar treatment) , Cleome (foliar treatment) , Ornamental woody shrubs (foliar treatment) , Ornamental broadleaf evergreen shrubs (foliar treatment) , Roses (foliar treatment) , Spirea (foliar treatment) , Ornamental ferns (foliar treatment) , Poultry (animal treatment) , Chicken roosts (paint) (enclosed premise treatment) , Domestic dwellings (outdoor)[/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #00CC99"]
[TD]U.S. Product Registration History for Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD="width: 25%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]5887-7[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"] U.S. State Registration Searches - Arizona - California via NPIRS - California via CA DPR - Colorado - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Mexico - New York - Ohio - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - Texas - Virginia[/TD]
[TD="width: 25%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Cancelled[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="width: 25%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Feb 25, 1958[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="width: 25%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 17%"]Nov 30, 1992[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="width: 25%"][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"]Maint. fee non-payme[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 4"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #00CC99"]
[TD]Company and Agent Information for Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TH="width: 33%"]Manufacturer[/TH]
[TH="width: 33%"]Agent[/TH]
[TH="width: 33%"]Distributor[/TH]
[TD]Value gardens supply, llc
Po box 585
Saint joseph, MO 64502
Company Number: 005887[/TD]
[TD]No Agent, See Company Info.[/TD]
[TD]No Additional Distributor, See Company Info.[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #00CC99"]
[TD]Distributor Names for Black leaf 40 garden spray

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]
[TH="width: 30%"]Product names[/TH]
[TH="width: 25%"]Distributor[/TH]
[TH="width: 15%"]Product Type[/TH]
[TH="width: 15%"]Approval Date[/TH]
[TH="width: 15%"]Cancellation Date[/TH]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFFF"]
[TD]Black leaf 40 garden spray[/TD]
[TD]Value gardens supply, llc[/TD]
[TD]Parent Product[/TD]
[TD]Feb 25, 1958[/TD]
[TD]Nov 30, 1992[/TD]
[TR="bgcolor: #FFFFF6"]
[TD]Prentox nicotine sulphate 40%[/TD]
[TD]Value gardens supply, llc[/TD]
[TD]Distributor Product[/TD]
[TD]Mar 31, 1976[/TD]
[TD]Nov 30, 1992[/TD]

[TABLE="class: cms_table"]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFFFCC"]Working with the Information on this Page
[TD]Click on underlined terms for definitions or go to the Pesticide Tutorial overview page.
Any underlined term with a book icon
has additional information.

To print this page, choose Print. To export this data, choose Save As 'HTML Source' and open it in Excel or equivalent program. [/TD]

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[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]
Citation: Kegley, S.E., Hill, B.R., Orme S., Choi A.H., PAN Pesticide Database, Pesticide Action Network, North America (San Francisco, CA, 2010),
© 2000-2010 Pesticide Action Network, North America. All rights reserved.​
Nice thread! repped ya for it and will spread the word to others about this thread. All great info!

On a side note wish I could rep ya twice for playing CoD w/ ur boy. Mine tries to get me to play but I suck at it so I don't very often........and I used to be the best at goldeneye on N64 is the really fucked up part. sells liquid nicotine for use in ecigs.
its pretty cheap for alot, and it can be cut with either propelyne glycol (not reccomended) or vegitable glycerine (wouldnt this be cannasafe?)
it comes in all sorts of concentrations, right up to 100mg per ml. you could cut it with h20.
First of all, sorry for digging up and old thread like this, but I have a big problem.
I made the nicotine solution with water, propylene glycol and pueblo additive free tobacco. Left it for ca 8hrs and sprayed my babies with it, because I thought something was eating them. I went to sleep, and when I woke up - disaster :( The plant that I sprayed more heavy looks dead, brown leaves, tips curled downwards. The one that got less sprayed looks similar, but a bit better. I just flushed them with brita filtered water. Was the solution too concentrated? What can I do?
Please help!