natural plant honey- not extracted

IMAG0546.jpgIMAG0543.jpgIMAG0545.jpgIMAG0547.jpgIMAG0544.jpg i need to know if anyone has come across a weed plant that creates honey like sap. last night while trimming a clone of a plant i consider to be of lower quality because of its airy bud and dull sweet smell i found small droplets, few and far in between, of a clear-amber colored honey like sap in between some of the buds and on the bottom of some small bud leaves. there was not very much to keep so i wiped it on the outside of a joint i had ans smoked it. i also tasted it, and it tasted amazing. im running a DWC hydro steup and i have 1 400W MH light and a few HPS lights. i am using advanced nutrients and i give the plants 2-3 (depending on size) gallons of nutrient water every week but i always make sure that they have enough water. this plant has had 2 seeds come off of 5 clones so far. so its genetics seem to be that of a stressed plant. i have done my best to keep this plant stress free for 2 generations. i know its hard to see it on some of the pics but if you look close you can find it.
nope. never. the only thing i have ever sprayed this plant with is water and a natural spider mite killer that i made from scratch. and that has soap and peppers and garlic. nothing like the taste of this stuff. it tasted like a sweet honey. i cant find a single thing on the web about this. im wondering if it is a glob of trichs or something else.

sgt d

Well-Known Member
Yup, I've seen this before. Several times, every time at the same place, that of a guy who ran aero (dunno if that makes any difference.) A rare and delicious treat.


Active Member
My ScrOG does this a lot!! Aero/DWC system Grapefruit Haze. Softball sized wet spots just below the canopy.


Well-Known Member
Is that beneath an overlapping leaf? Pretty sure that's just moisture
building up between the leaves, and not a sap or honey.

The OPs picture looked more like a goo or honey forming.


Active Member
Is that beneath an overlapping leaf? Pretty sure that's just moisture
building up between the leaves, and not a sap or honey.

The OPs picture looked more like a goo or honey forming.
the collection of liquid is from the underside of the leaves above. And it taste sweet and has a thin syrup like consistency.

Goes nice on blunts and joints.


Well-Known Member
i had a strain called raspberry growing for awhile, pretty buds that were dark red to purple, but started out all pink. the plant would "leak" dark red/plum colored sap when harvested.

it happens