Natural Psychoactives


Well-Known Member
Please add to this list if you have anything to add:

Oilahuasca: Oilahuasca is using simple things like Cinnamon/Clove Tea to turn off your P450 Enzymes, then taking something like Basil Extract, to achieve effects like ecstasy. It is similar to how Ayahuasca works.

Enchymoma: A word from the 1800s, it means "An Elixir Made in the Stomache"

Hotentot Tea: A Dream Brew including Imphepho flowers and a few other things, meant to promote dreaming.

Soma: An Ancient Vedic Brew, some Historians believe it is Opium Poppy, some Historians believe it is Amanita Muscaria, some Historians believe it is a brew Similar to Ayahuasca.

Ambrosia: An ancient Greek brew, possibly containing Opium, but definitely containing some kind of Psychoactive plant.

If you are Celebrating Mithras instead of Christmas, then you can either take Amanita Muscaria (which are legal for everyone) or Psilocybin/Panaelous, Psilocybin are illegal to grow unless you worship the Native Mexican (North American) God Teonanácatl.

If you get Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, baking the Mushrooms into something that has a lot of flavor would be best.

1. Because the Mushrooms taste disgusting

2. If you Decarboxylize the Ibotenic acid in the Muscimol, you are more likely to actually have an experience with them. In the past, the people would drink the urine of reindeer who ate these mushrooms, and the Reindeer's stomach did the cooking for the people.

This is not for people to randomly do, this is about The Solstice/Christmas/Mithras/Saturnalia. This is how people all over the world celebrate. In the UK and in Mexico they ate Psilocybin mushrooms, in Europe and Turkey they ate Amanita Muscaria. And Saint Nicholas was a Turkish Catholic man. All of this is how it is SUPPOSED to be. I am not changing it, the Christians are.

Also, Panaelous mushrooms are not illegal to grow, but they do contain Psylocibin which is illegal unless you are specifically using it as a sacrament. Or unless you live in New Mexico, where it is legal to grow Psilocybin mushrooms for personal consumption.

The Panaelous mushrooms again aren't specifically illegal to grow, but you have to be using them sacrementally. These are not something that is recreationally legal.

Bufo Alvarius: This is the toad you think of when you think of people "Licking toads" you can not actually lick this toad and get any effects, but it has little venom glands that look like pimples. And inside those glands is 5-MeO-DMT, which is smokeable when dry and works very similarly to DMT. They live in the Southern US and into Sonora Mexico.

Cane Toad: This is the cousin or sister of the Bufo Alvarius, they are more common, and they are bigger usually. They also have vemon glands, but their venom glands contain Bufoteinin. This can be painful to smoke, and doesn't have very strong effects. But if you were to treat the venom with heat and baking soda, or Edible lime, you can make it safe to smoke and more effective. This is how they do it in the Amazon, using edible lime.

Waxy Leaf Frog/Waxy Monkey Frog- This frog is used in the Amazon where it is known as the "Kappo" frog. THIS is the toad that people actually lick to get effects. But usually people tie it up by its legs like a canvas to paint on, and they poke it with a stick to make it sweat. Then they use a wedged stick to rub across its skin and collect the sweat. It contains a Opiate that works very similarly to Morphine, and contains enzymes and other things that actually stimulate the body to cleanse itself and it is being studies as a possible Viral "cure".

Some Stuff About Coffee

I did some Marijuana Tips, so I figured I would do some coffee tips. I do not personally drink Coffee, but I study Psychoactive herbs, so I have done some reading about Coffee and some of its replacements around the world.

Most people in America, and possibly in other places, have only tried like Starbucks, McDonald's, Folger's and Maxwell. So the "best" coffee is Colombian Mountain Grown.

But Starbuck's, McDonald's, Maxwell and Foldger's may have their own "Roasts" and "Strains" of coffee they are growing, but they are pulling Coffee Beans from a VERY small pool of Genetics. If you have ever heard someone talk about Amsterdam, they talk about "Coffee Shops" and how you can buy all kinds of things there that are illegal other places. Amsterdam is also well known for its water ways and stuff. It used to be a big part of Global trade, and most likely still is, I don't know what Amsterdam exports though.

And Coffee originally came from Africa, Ethiopia to be exact. MOST of the Coffee that exists outside of Ethiopia, is the descendant of 1 single plant that was taken from Ethiopia by process of a plant clone. A few other strains have made it to Yemen and Indonesia and other places throughout the years, but most Western Strains come from one plant that went to France I think it was, and it was around the time of Christopher Columbus within a hundred years or so.

So if you want to get some new blends of Coffee that have never been outside of Africa, then Ethiopia is where to go. And there are probably families passing down strains and stuff, like Marijuana kinda.

Cuban Coffee, in Cuba they boil their coffee down REALLY small amount, so it's a lot stronger. Like if you made a pot of coffee with a coffee machine, then put it in a petal pot on the stove and boiled the pot down to one shot glass.

Guarana, Contains Caffeine and Theobromine. So has the effects of Coffee and Chocolate.

Guyusa, Kinda of like Tea, but it is used in place of Coffee in some places. And is stronger than Tea.

Yerba Mate, Kinda of like Tea, but it is used in place of Coffee in some places. And is stronger than Tea.

There is a Weasel Cat like animal in Indonesia, and when Coffee was introduced it became addicted to the caffeine, like many people who have withdrawals from Coffee (the 2 o'clock thing that 5 hour energy talked about to get well known) and since it is addicted, the people in Indonesia either Cage the Animal or hunt for it's poop.

If it's in cages they just give it big plates of Coffee berries to eat, and the digestive tract removes the fruit and then they sift through the poop to get the beans.

If it is hunted wild, they just look for poop and then sift through it like dirt and gold.

This coffee is the most expensive in the world.

White Lotus Wine: The Ancient Egyptians used to let their Wine soak up the stuff inside Lotus before drinking it, so that they had a Lotus Tea/Wine. White lotus contains a compound that attaches to dopamine receptors.

Kratom: Has been made into tea by Buddhists for hundreds if not thousands of years. Contains Opiates that are not illegal, because they are not the same as the Opiates in Opium. And they may not show up on drug tests, I would double check though.

Lemon Grass: Contains Myrcene which can also be found in Hops/Beer. Has a slight Opiod Analgesic effect.

Black Cohosh: Attaches to 5HT serotonin receptors, can be made into a Tea or Capsule.

Mucuna Seed/Velvet Bean: Contains L-DOPA and Tryptamines, people use it as a Mood Enhancer.

Catnip: Can be made into a tea and drank by humans for light sedative effect, about 80% of cats are effected by it.

Valerian Root: Can effect cats similar to Catnip. Causes sedative effects in humans.

Silver Vine: Can effect cats similar to Catnip. Probably has effects for humans.

Bog Bean Leaves: Can effect cats similar to Catnip, used by humans in place of coffee.

Dittany of Crete: A Cooking Spice grown in Europe, this plant does not drop seeds and can only be cultivated by growing a clone, and it has been passed down this way for a LONG time. It has some sedative effects from what I have read, but I have not tried it.

Voaconga Africana: Contains things similar to Ibogaine and could be used for drug treatment.
Inebriating Mint: Used around Turkey, made like Tea, has a sedative effect.

Indian Warrior: A Natural Sedative/Tranquilizer

Mulungu: Said to be "Nature's Valium" by some people.

Wild Dagga: Contains Leourine, similar to Cannabis but not the same. Can be smoked or made into a tea.

Clip Dagga: Just like Wild Dagga

Motherwort/Siberian Motherwort: Contains the same thing as Wild Dagg and Clip Dagga.

Virola Elongota: Used by people in the Amazon as an entheogen and arrow poison.

Desfontainia: Known as "Chilean Holly", used as a Hallucinogen by native people.

Typha Capensis: Root Mass used as Entheogen

Maconha Brava: Used as an Entheogen in some places.

Black Horehound: Contains Diterpenes and is said to have some entheogen effects.

Stone Root: Has effects on the central nervous system and other parts of the body.

Horny Goat Weed: Used as a Sexual Stimulant for Men

Yohimbe: Used as a Sexual Stimulant for Men and Women

Belladonna Eye Drops: Used to make your eyes Dilated

Passion Flower: MAOI/Antidepressant

Kanna: SSRI/Antidepressant

Aconite aka Monks Hood aka Wolf's Bane. It has been used to kill wolves and was said to turn people in to werewolves. It is poison and can kill someone who eats to much, some people smoke it though.

Acacia is known as "Waddle" in Australia and has species all over the world, the bark contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and other Tryptamines.

Acorus Calamus aka Sweet Flag. Can cause hallucinations. It is used in medicine and food.

Amanita Muscaria aka Fly Agaric. Hallucinogenic and possibly Narcotic. You have probably seen them with toads on them, or gnomes under them, or in Alice in Wonderland.

Some species of Ants have been used to achieve ritual hallucinations. Some ants contain hallucinogens you can use by swallowing them.

Ayahuasca is a mixture of 2 things. Any plant containing MAOIs mixed with any plant containing DMT, then drank together.

Belladona seeds are poisonous and have been used to achieve hallucinations for a long time. They say that the reason "witches fly on broom sticks" is because they would use broom sticks to put the Belladona seed in a... weird place. Then they would "Fly".

Betel leaf is chewed by about 1/10th of the world's population as a mild stimulant similar to cigarettes.

Brugmansia contains Scopolamine which can cause vivid hallucinations via making you extremely delirious. It is not a hallucinogen, it is a delliriant and a poison that can kill you.

caesalpinia sepiaria is said to cause hallucinations.

Camellia Sinensis aka Tea Leaves, contains both Caffeine and L-Theanine, which together work differently than either of them would alone.

Cannabis aka Marijuana aka Pot also Hash contains THC and other Cannabinoids.

Chocolate contains Theobromine.

Cantharides aka Spanish Fly. An Aphrodisiac made from the wings of a beetle. Supposedly Sudanese people grind up dung beetles and drink them with water, no known reason for this yet though.

Coca plants contain cocaine and other things. It used to be the main ingredient of Coca-Cola.

Coffee contains Caffeine.

Datura is just like Brugmansia.

Duboisia Hopwoodii aka Pituri grows in Australia and has nicotine and a stronger (more poisonous) relative of nicotine in it.

Ephedra aka Mormon Tea contains Ephedrine, a stimulant which has been used to treat asthma.

Fugu aka Puffer fish. It's liver contains a nuerotoxin that kills most people, some people survive with no vital signs, then wake back up after 3 days. It is a delicacy in Japan because you have to trust the chef to not kill you, even on accident.

Guarana contains both Theobromine and Caffeine.

Heimia Salicifolia aka "Sun Opener" has the ability to turn your vision yellow when you drink it in a tea.

Henbane is poisonous and some people smoke it.

Iboga contains Ibogaine which has in recent times been used to cure Heroine and other opiate addictions. It could also be useful for cigarette smokers and methamphetamine users.

Inebriating Mint is used as a sedative and light hallucinogen in Turkey and a few other places.

Kava Kava has the same descriptive qualities as marijuana (Sedative/Euphoriant), but it is not the same when you take it, they are different. Mixing them together gives them Synergy though.Kava will make your moth numb and does not taste awesome.

Kratom is a sedative or a stimulant depending how much you take, and people chew it or make it into a tea.

lycopodium complanatum has been used by natives as a stimulant.

lycopodium selago causes a "mild narcotic hypnosis" at low doses and coma at high doses.

Mandrake root is poisonous and has historically been used in tons of potions and stuff. It was the plant that had a crying baby as a root in Harry Potter. The roots actually do look like people sometimes and historically they have been involved in all kinds of crazy stuff.

Morning Glory Seeds contain LSA which is a cousin of LSD.

Myelobia Smerintha Moths are said to be able to give you dreams when eaten, and the Aztecs claimed a moth as their underworld God, so someone should see what is in those ones.

the Nightmare fish is known to cause terrible nightmares. It could be kyphosus vaigiensis or kyphosus fuseus.

Osteophloeum Platyspermum is used in Ecuador for it's hallucinogenic properties.

Peyote is known to contain Mescaline.

Psilosybe mushrooms (usually Psilosybe Cubensis) are known as "Magic Mushrooms" commonly.

Puffballs are the mushrooms genuses: Lycoperdon, Bovista and Calvatia and have been known to cause Auditory Hallucinations.

Qat aka Khat is eaten in the middle east, it is used commonly like coffee, but is more like Amphetamine.

San Pedro is similar to Peyote.

Scirpus has traditionally been used as a Hallucinogen in Mexico, but it's effects have not been studied.

Scotch Broom supposedly has hallucinogenic seeds, and leaves that when smoked, make colors seem more vibrant.

Syrian Rue contains MAOIs which shut off parts of your immune system, allowing certain plants to take stronger effect (ex: used in Ayahuasca to make DMT orally effective) but it will also make Chocolate, Alcohol and Cheese poisonous during the duration of its effect on you because you can not break them down properly. This is called the "Cheese Syndrome" or "Cheese Effect"

Tree Tobacco is much like Tobacco but contains nicotine and other things, and it grows in South America.

Wild Lettuce (all lettuce actually, but this one has the most) contains opiates, not the same at the opiates in opium, but they hit the same receptors in the brain. It used to be called "Poor man's opium", and it probably grows in your yard.

Virola is known to contain DMT and other things.

Yohimbe bark is used as an Aphrodisiac and Stimulant for both men and women.

Yopo contains 5-HO-DMT which is mixed with Edible Lime and blown into people's noses in south America.

Uziza: Contains Caryophyllene, which is also in Cannabis and works similar to Cannabinoids.

Syrian Oregano & Thyme: Both of these contain Thymol, which is related to Propofol, which is the stuff that Michael Jackson was using to sleep. Thymol does not act like Propofol only because it is broken down in the stomach and liver.

Betel Leaf and Nut: Contains Chavicol, the leaves and nut are chewed like tobacco all over the world, and drops of extract can be added to a cigarette or joint for a stimulant effect.

Dragon's Head (Dracocephelums): Sedative Effect

Wool Grass: Root mass is used as an Entheogen

Sun Opener: Used as part of a Mixture in Mexico by Natives. It has effects of its own, but they are hard to pin point. Maybe a skeletal muscle relaxant, it has a weird hangover.

Coleus: Used by the same tribe that invented Salvia, it is a Sedative but has not been studied much.

Hops: Contain Myrcene, which works as a light Opiod Analgesic.

Indian Bay Leaves: Contains Caryophyllene

Uncaria Rhynchophylla: Has effects on the NMDA receptor.

Ylang Ylang: Contains Caryophyllene and other Terpenes.

Tecoma Stans: Works in some cats like Catnip. Could have effects in humans.

Tartarian Honey Suckle Bark: Works like Catnip in some cats. Could have effects in humans.

Cigarette Tobacco/Nicotiana Tobaccum: Used for dreaming by Native Americans, not used to Relax or Stimulate.

Jasmine Tobacco: A Species of Tobacco whose flowers smell like Jasmine

Bitter Calea: Used to promote dreaming.

Graviola: 5HT1a Agonist

Senegalia greggii: Native to Texas to California and in Sonora Mexico, the extract has stimulant effects
so your telling me to go get a cane toad and get fucked?

man, realize you are telling people, all the time, to try all these hallucinogens, extracts and, herbs,but in actuality you have no idea what they do or how individual people will react to them.

You just regurgitate information and claim it as your own, kinda like our friend georgus christ.

its one thing to turn on your buddy to a joint but take it too far.

But you don't care as long as you look smart and sound cool, which you don't.


I have wondered what Soma is in the ancient text.
If anyone dies from shit on Finshaggys list I'm gonna crap on your grave every year and laugh. Half that shit will kill you, the other half will only make you puke long before you get high.