natural selecton: let the weak die?>


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else not bother with pampering there fussy plants? The way I see it, if there weaker than my others why should I bother with them? I want strong plants, besides its just bag seed anyways.


Well-Known Member
i just treat them all the same and if they die oh well. I was just curious if anyone else does this


i just treat them all the same and if they die oh well. I was just curious if anyone else does this

understandable with bagseed's.

But if i was paying for seed's i wouldnt let them die, even if it did look like it was doing bad :)

i had a seedling that completely fell over and i thought it was going to die... now its one of the strongest plant i have.


Active Member
Put it this way. My first grow was from really good bagseed. I started out with 22 plants. Since my grow space was limited I had to whack four about a month and a half in, and then four more another month before that. Each time I whacked the smallest (what I thought weakest) ones.

I was left with fourteen strong plants. Once I started flowering, I got nine males and five females. And those five were pretty much the smallest ones. Lesson learned

Unless your using feminized seeds, whacking the smaller ones might mean that your whacking more females than males. Males tend to be taller and stronger looking.


Well-Known Member
im not talking bout wacking, just not putting any extra effort into helping it survive. bonghit....did you give your flopped over seedling more attention?

I guess its the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

But does pampering weak plants pass on weak genetics?


Well-Known Member
im not talking bout wacking, just not putting any extra effort into helping it survive. bonghit....did you give your flopped over seedling more attention?

I guess its the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

But does pampering weak plants pass on weak genetics?
If you are breeding or cloning then yes, you will pass on weaker genetics. If you are just growing from seed to harvest bud, I think it makes sense to keep them all alive because the runt may surprise you and be your most potent plant, or the heaviest yielder.


Well-Known Member
If you are breeding or cloning then yes, you will pass on weaker genetics. If you are just growing from seed to harvest bud, I think it makes sense to keep them all alive because the runt may surprise you and be your most potent plant, or the heaviest yielder.
yeah i wanna breed eventually i wanna end up with some crazy shiz i mixed up myself lol


Active Member
yeah i wanna breed eventually i wanna end up with some crazy shiz i mixed up myself lol
well then there's no worry about pampering the weak ones. Kill all the males except for the one or two that you feel display the best traits. MOVE them away from the ladies, and collect the pollen from them. Then use a paintbrush to put the pollen on the lowest buds of your favorite females. That way you get the best traits passed on, aaand you still have your sinsimilla crop :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah i've heard theres female pollen too but involves pushing the buds past there peak maturity if they havent been pollenated yet they will produce pollen sacs also at least thats what i here but then the bud isnt worth much as far as smoke. You could probally cut some bud when its ready and push on with the rest so you still have smoke.


im not talking bout wacking, just not putting any extra effort into helping it survive. bonghit....did you give your flopped over seedling more attention?

I guess its the whole nature vs. nurture debate.

But does pampering weak plants pass on weak genetics?
found out there was a bug in the soil eating the roots i took all the soil out.. killed the bug got new soil and transplanted it.
now.. its almost chest high and has a nice aroma :clap:


Well-Known Member
I dont fus over seedlings because I wont to keep an even canopy. Because of how I grow, all plants get the same every thing all the time. I start with 10 to get 6 strong seedkings. But as you heard there is allways the one that will surprise you.


Well-Known Member
found out there was a bug in the soil eating the roots i took all the soil out.. killed the bug got new soil and transplanted it.
now.. its almost chest high and has a nice aroma :clap:
good deal bh got any pics? throw em up :weed:\
that is i different case entirely though isnt it. might have been as tall as you by know had it not encountered a nasty bug.


Well-Known Member
I dont fus over seedlings because I wont to keep an even canopy. Because of how I grow, all plants get the same every thing all the time. I start with 10 to get 6 strong seedkings. But as you heard there is allways the one that will surprise you.
like i said i dont kill the weak but i dont help them either sounds like thats about what you do +rep


Well-Known Member
I have pics of every one gets the same, dirt and hdro if you cant keep up another one will. I do keep extras for the first month as extras.


Well-Known Member
right besides after they fall behind they get less light especially if you have a dense forest so they dont have much chance to catch up unless you treat them special. I say make some butter ...