Well-Known Member
I understand friend.
Gorillas in the night? I was under the impression it is going on now (at least I hope it is, since I've already placed an order of pit boss to get the promo). Don't trust me though, now I'm second guessing
This is a problem I have with them. They list fem or reg on the description and list the same price.... like the Flaming cookies I just bought. Thought I was spending 110 on 10 regs and got 5 fems... not super pleased but I am sure rhey,will still have some fire.You can use discount fall 2015 for 10% off.
Grabbed Aliens Nightmare, Sin said it would be fem restock but site says reg.
This is a problem I have with them. They list fem or reg on the description and list the same price.... like the Flaming cookies I just bought. Thought I was spending 110 on 10 regs and got 5 fems... not super pleased but I am sure rhey,will still have some fire.
I wish everything was 85 especially if the fems are half a reg pack. 100 plus tax for 5 fems seems steep. They seemed to have some fem up for 100 and some for 85 I don't get it.
I love this site and hope it runs forever but I wish they'd tighten the ship a bit and communicate more with customers all around ( being clear on specials and answering emails to be specific) for how much money we give them.