Natures Green Remedies

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NGR suck, I would avoid at all costs. Had a friend order from them because they were cheap and quick with delivery and the beans were fucking small as hell and not fully mature. He germed every seed and got not a single plant. Total fail. An anomaly? Maybe. Maybe not.
hmmmmmm...... Some of y'all are trippppppppppppin. Gotta wonder who has what at stake?

Got nothing but fire from them so far with SEVERAL orders..... Never had a pack look opened or tampered with. EDIT: In fact I just checked the fridge. MANY of the breeder packs came in sealed packaging. Totally unfucked with..... and my BOG sour grapes are the biggest seeds I've ever seen in my life.

I've also emailed him at least 10 times.... I get a response in 20 minutes usually.... Just my experience.

Also if he's ripping all the breeders off then why does he keep getting restocked by them almost weekly?

Whatever. I'm happy.
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Anyone read about the greenman organic and ngr deal? I just seen a snapshot of a post by greenman and he/she/it was calling ngr a rat and sorts. Also stating theyre taking down theyre grow and ceasing all direct sales.
Lemme know if somebody finds the whole post as I don't have ig/fb/etc....
I also have had many orders through them and would like to continue, but I deal with no type of rats. No matter what.
Anyone read about the greenman organic and ngr deal? I just seen a snapshot of a post by greenman and he/she/it was calling ngr a rat and sorts. Also stating theyre taking down theyre grow and ceasing all direct sales.
Lemme know if somebody finds the whole post as I don't have ig/fb/etc....
I also have had many orders through them and would like to continue, but I deal with no type of rats. No matter what.


I was just about to place another order too. BUT for the same reason I will NEVER fuck with Apothecary Seeds I'm gonna hold off. HMMMMMMMMM............ My morals are gonna make my wife and wallet happy at least. But I got another ace up my sleeve if NGR fucks up.

So this Is from the man himself.


9 hours ago · GreenMan Organics



NGR has screwed 3 other breeders and dicked with payments, He has owed me for over a year and when I pulled away he sent back stock that I know was sold and listed as sold out for 2 months. I had customers of mine from there send pictures of crappy ass white and hollow looking seeds and the ones that did sprout looked nothing like the my strains. When asked for funds he decided to chose what he owed instead of actual amount owed. Gave me a glass rig he made and it was one of his first made, and it sucks, he charged me $300 for it after saying he gave it to me 6 months earlier. He owed almost $1920 and even if I minused the $300 for the crap rig worth $50, and the returned packs of seeds that are clearly not my seeds. He made one payment in a year for $170. He still owes me $$925 then. He tries telling folks he owes me $371 and I will get it when he has it. Well that has been months and I haven't even seen that. Basically he owes me for all gear sent in. and I will minus the $300 for the rig. He owes me $1450. Then trashes me, makes me out to be a bad guy bothering him for petty shit. Rat's me out to the Credit Card company and they sieze my funds and closed the account. Now ratted to FB and had my Timeline deleted. I just spent hours dealling with FB and opening a Greenman Organics business page. They will not allow me to have a timeline now.

I have had multiple folks who knew Yankee before he started NGR and said he swaps seeds. I guess he can't grow worth shit and herms everything and swaps his herm shit for the real deal. It's why i switched to tamper proof packages, heat sealed.

If he would have just paid what was owed, none of this would have happened. And if he had not had my FB account closed and CC company ratted out to. I never would have said shit or told anyone what he owes and did. But He is a Rat IMO and everyone that ask will know. If he was just an honest person and did as promised it all would have be great but NOOOO.

I asked if I may spread his story and he said it was ok.

I guess the heat sealed stuff is good. Gage and cv are both heat sealed.

I don't want to support any rat but fuck the prices are so cheap and he has bang bang. What yall gonna do greenghost and xxvii????
i take greenman over yankee. do all breeders send him packs made up or do u think he gets the things and packaging n does it himself from some breeders? some gear is worth the gamble in my opinion. specially since hes cheaper. make sure u have a plan B when u pop the ngr pack.
Well FUCK.

I don't play with rats, liars, snitches, dry snitches, dime droppers etc.

Greenman totally seems like a stand up dude (ps I always think of charlie from always sunny in his greenman suit bagging up beans. lol) I KNOW NGR has the cash to give him. I've sent in that much. :/ and hearing the story about the stupid fucking glass rig given as partial payment makes me wanna choke some hippies. Sounds like something some burnout idiot friend of mine would try pulling........

As far as switching out beans...... I guess anything is possible but my Alphakronik, epik, gage, hi brix and cabin fever were all totally sealed. Some in a way that would be too difficult to remove and redo (IMO)

Irie genetics and BOG gear were not sealed but both have big fat mature beans.

I've grown 3 strains I received from them so far and each has been fire.

That being said.... It looks like the honeymoon is over.

I sent him an email asking if there was any truth to what we are hearing. Dude usually responds right away. We'll see what is said (if anything).

The sock on sight list might have gotten a new member:

-JB from the se ed depot
-Brett Bogue
-Yankee grower???
i take greenman over yankee. do all breeders send him packs made up or do u think he gets the things and packaging n does it himself from some breeders? some gear is worth the gamble in my opinion. specially since hes cheaper. make sure u have a plan B when u pop the ngr pack.

LOL....... Plan B, C, D and F are always in motion..... I go perpetual and pop (too many usually) as needed (or not needed).....If my NGR packs suck at least I have my zon, tude, beansman etc etc etc ALWAYS running too.

BUT if I was a one pump chump......I might be worried about me NGR run now.:?
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