Natures Green Remedies

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QUOTE="kangosna745, post: 11609142, member: 240217"]Why so worked up? Everyone here tried easing the situation till you started being so defensive/offensive...we all understand the frustration but no need to start dragging a good outfit through the mud, give em a little room to breathe and I'm sure everything will work out alright.[/QUOTE]
KA started trolling me in his very first reply. All I did was ask about other users experience and he started in with some nonsense about me taking it up the ass and tampons. Go ahead and read the whole thread from page 31 add check out the escalation for yourself. And if the seeds come, that'd be fine. It'd still be sub standard service compared to every other seed vendor I've dealt with.
I can't quote to save my life, because I am so angry inside that it won't let me come out with coherent thoughts or words!

That is a total misconception on your part, I wasn't trolling you I gave you a blatant answer and YOU,do I have to keep repeating it,... took it up the ass from the get go. I think it is the opposite and you are trolling me. Only I am reading news articles and smoking a bowl so I don't mind it.
I posted on fb yesterday. I'm trying to exhaust every resource before stopping the charge. Once before Igot a refund and then got my seeds a month later. I just don't want to repeat that so I'm trying to get an answer from anybody who actually knows something before taking my money back.

Check out Natures Sweet Nothing's seed bank. I've heard great reports about them...
Yeah no joke, especially when you spend some money with them they toss in some teas and hash jars and stickers and extra beans that have genetics I would actually run! Oh I am running the goji x gdp right now they are in solo cups sexin up.
Lol @ solo cups
needsomebeans said:
Hell brother thought I would throw you a like since you have been so kind. Its a shame that you can't articulate without all of the profanity. Best of luck to you my friend.
I give so few fucks about likes on this or any forum. I came here hoping for input, got nothing of value. It's been real.
Bruh ain't nothing wrong with popping beans in solo cups, ha I'll let em sit in a cup and grow two weeks before trashing the mutants and runts then potting the rest for sexing...stop hating on everyone for everything, every bud I ever posted on here started in a solo cup. With all due respect if you don't like the crowd here then don't hang out, NGR certainly won't be answering in this forum. Peace man, good luck.
Bruh ain't nothing wrong with popping beans in solo cups, ha I'll let em sit in a cup and grow two weeks before trashing the mutants and runts then potting the rest for sexing...stop hating on everyone for everything, every bud I ever posted on here started in a solo cup. With all due respect if you don't like the crowd here then don't hang out, NGR certainly won't be answering in this forum. Peace man, good luck.
To each his own brotha. I just don't trust bpa with competition worthy plants. And certainly don't take those kinds of risks when providing for patients.
i feel a lock coming....

Nah, this thread won't be locked. As long as I stop the rest will most likely stop so that will keep it open ;). I like NGR too much to let them down by letting them get their thread locked.

Back to peace my brothers and sisters and underlings.
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