NBC's Bias Against George Zimmerman


Active Member
Or maybe, Zimmerman is a dick, Trayvon was an asshole, and two dumbasses escalated the dumbassery to the point were somebody gettin stabbed or shot was unavoidable. We wont know till a jury decides how it all went down, so I for one am not gonna speculate.
You, sir, are probably 100% correct. Zimmerman didn't mean to kill. Trayvon didn't mean to hurt anyone, either. Zimmerman was STUPID for confronting Trayvon, and Trayvon was STUPID for retalliating in a violent nature. The outcome is what it is, and Zimmerman deserves some blame. But reverse discrimination and a draconian sentence for Zimmerman will not bring Trayvon back.

I am sorry Trayvon died. And I am no supporter of Zimmerman. But I sense reverse discrimination against Zimmerman. He should do some time, but not as a murderer.


Well-Known Member
You, sir, are probably 100% correct. Zimmerman didn't mean to kill. Trayvon didn't mean to hurt anyone, either. Zimmerman was STUPID for confronting Trayvon, and Trayvon was STUPID for retalliating in a violent nature. The outcome is what it is, and Zimmerman deserves some blame. But reverse discrimination and a draconian sentence for Zimmerman will not bring Trayvon back.

I am sorry Trayvon died. And I am no supporter of Zimmerman. But I sense reverse discrimination against Zimmerman. He should do some time, but not as a murderer.
part in bold is unfounded and you are so fucking dumb it hurts.

i mean, i have to say for a second time now that dr. kynes is right and put the ownage on you, and i don't like acknowledging that guy as correct.

goddamn, how do people like you manage to feed yourselves?


Active Member
part in bold is unfounded and you are so fucking dumb it hurts.

i mean, i have to say for a second time now that dr. kynes is right and put the ownage on you, and i don't like acknowledging that guy as correct.

goddamn, how do people like you manage to feed yourselves?
The double standard on this forum is frightening.

My post daring to challenge mindphuk's "claimed but uncorfirmed Ph.D." was deleted, and I received a reprimand from the biased moderator of this forum, even though I have never engaged in name-calling like you have, sir. But you can call me names, and troll, without restriction.

I applaud you for whatever you have done (given blow jobs, or anal sex) to the moderators of this forum that gives you the freedom to distort the truth and say whatever you want without being subject to the rules.

Moderators, please explain the double standard on this forum.


Well-Known Member
I have never engaged in name-calling...
you told me to get an education when i pointed out to you that nature does not have wants or desires.

you also lie constantly and blatantly, which is an insult to intelligence for anyone that can read.

take your sandy vagina and go dabble around on some forum full of dullards.


King Tut
part in bold is unfounded and you are so fucking dumb it hurts.

i mean, i have to say for a second time now that dr. kynes is right and put the ownage on you, and i don't like acknowledging that guy as correct.

goddamn, how do people like you manage to feed yourselves?
Zimm got those head injuries somewhere.


King Tut
The double standard on this forum is frightening.

My post daring to challenge mindphuk's "claimed but uncorfirmed Ph.D." was deleted, and I received a reprimand from the biased moderator of this forum, even though I have never engaged in name-calling like you have, sir. But you can call me names, and troll, without restriction.

I applaud you for whatever you have done (given blow jobs, or anal sex) to the moderators of this forum that gives you the freedom to distort the truth and say whatever you want without being subject to the rules.

Moderators, please explain the double standard on this forum.
PM me.............


Active Member
you told me to get an education when i pointed out to you that nature does not have wants or desires.

you also lie constantly and blatantly, which is an insult to intelligence for anyone that can read.

take your sandy vagina and go dabble around on some forum full of dullards.
Well, sir, both you and I were wrong in that one.

I did tell you to, sort of, get an education. And I believe I later apologized.

But you continued to distort the "Mother Nature Has Desires" thing, even after I repeatedly acknowledged that I used that term just as a figure of speech, and agreed that it was a technically innacurate (but common) term which represents the statistical predictability in nature. But were you big enough to acknowlwdge that? Or were (are) the moderators as intererested as holding you to the rules of courtesty and non-trolling as they are me? No. So you get a free pass to insult and call names. And I get reprimanded.


Active Member
there you go lying again, insulting my intelligence again.

all i did was keep bashing on how stupid it is to believe that nature has desires and intentions.

and maybe troll you a bit.
Again, Uncle, you distorted the "Mother Nature Has Desires" thing, even after I repeatedly acknowledged that I used that term just as a figure of speech, and agreed that it was a technically innacurate (but common) term which represents the statistical predictability in nature.

I never argued that nature is a being that has wants and desires.


Well-Known Member
I never argued that nature is a being that has wants and desires.
there you go lying again, just like that tale about your wife crashing into the WTC as a cover for your irrational muslim hatred.

seriously dude, you have ZERO credibility. all you do is lie.


New Member
part in bold is unfounded and you are so fucking dumb it hurts.

i mean, i have to say for a second time now that dr. kynes is right and put the ownage on you, and i don't like acknowledging that guy as correct.

goddamn, how do people like you manage to feed yourselves?
LOL Unfounded?

You've got to be kidding me, an eye witness at the scene gave testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him and it's unfounded! Wrong choice of words Bucky, try another.
BTW, Dr. kynes was wrong about one thing, there is no proof that supports Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after the dispatch officer told him he did not need him to do that, didn't catch that, or did you?


Well-Known Member
LOL Unfounded?

You've got to be kidding me, an eye witness at the scene gave testimony that Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating him and it's unfounded! Wrong choice of words Bucky, try another.
why don't you march out the witnesses who say how the scuffle started. i'll sit here and wait.

BTW, Dr. kynes was wrong about one thing, there is no proof that supports Zimmerman continued to follow Martin after the dispatch officer told him he did not need him to do that, didn't catch that, or did you?
except for the fact that the final confrontation took place where there are no addresses and away from zimm's car. if zimm simply went back to his car and stayed there, no second confrontation, no dead teenager. unfortunately, we have a second confrontation and a dead teenager.


Well-Known Member
All we know for sure is Zimmerman thought Martin was shady looking so he followed him in his car (creepy), Zimmerman called 911, and was told to stop following his supposed suspect, but he continued to follow Martin. Martin was not engaged in any hi-jinx, shenanigans or skullduggery. Eventually the two men met on foot, and there was an altercation. Zimmerman had a gun, and Martin got shot. That's it. Everything else is speculation, hearsay, or assumptions.
Non facts highlighted in red.


Well-Known Member
Non facts highlighted in red.
he was in his car n the way to target and can be heard exiting his vehicle on the 911 tape, fact.

he was told his following was not necessary, fact.

the wind in his phone continues even after he is told to stop following, fact.

as much as i hate to say dr. kynes has it right, he has it pretty damn right here.


New Member
why don't you march out the witnesses who say how the scuffle started. i'll sit here and wait.
Kind of painted yourself into a corner there Bucky. If Travon did not retaliate with violence, he had to have initiated it! LOL

except for the fact that the final confrontation took place where there are no addresses and away from zimm's car. if zimm simply went back to his car and stayed there, no second confrontation, no dead teenager. unfortunately, we have a second confrontation and a dead teenager.
You couldn't be more confused little Bucky, where the final confrontation ended up is irrelevant unless we know the precise location of Zimmerman when the dispatcher told him he did not need to follow Martin, Hello!

And if Martin didn't back track to follow Zimmerman, he might be alive today. If Martin was being stalked and was in fear of his safety, try explaining why Travon was killed so far from his father's girlfriends house, he had more than enough time to make it there, that is if he wanted to!


New Member
he was in his car n the way to target and can be heard exiting his vehicle on the 911 tape, fact.

he was told his following was not necessary, fact.

the wind in his phone continues even after he is told to stop following, fact.

as much as i hate to say dr. kynes has it right, he has it pretty damn right here.
No one disputes Zimm could be heard exiting his vehicle, it's irrelevant, FACT

No one disputes Zimm was told his following was not necessary, also irrelevant, FACT

The wind in the phone only proves there was a storm (wind and rain) that night or Zimmerman continued walking, the question is, did he continue his pursuit or was he returning to his truck as he claimed, unfortunately, hearing the wind on Zimms phone doesn't tell us that, now does it?


Well-Known Member
Kind of painted yourself into a corner there Bucky. If Travon did not retaliate with violence, he had to have initiated it! LOL
so go ahead and march out those witnesses. i'm waiting.

You couldn't be more confused little Bucky, where the final confrontation ended up is irrelevant unless we know the precise location of Zimmerman when the dispatcher told him he did not need to follow Martin, Hello!

And if Martin didn't back track to follow Zimmerman, he might be alive today. If Martin was being stalked and was in fear of his safety, try explaining why Travon was killed so far from his father's girlfriends house, he had more than enough time to make it there, that is if he wanted to!
we know more or less where zimmerman was when he stopped following. martin ran "down, towards the back entrance" according to the 911 call. zimmerman follows but loses him. zimmerman is now directly between martin and his house.

so think about this logically. you got a kid running away in fear then talking on the phone to his girlfriend looking for some sort of path back to his house, but the guy that's following him, first by vehicle, then on foot, is directly between martin and his home.

the whole thing ends with zimmerman in a location that he couldn't have been in unless he pursued martin further, as it was on the other side of his truck.

martin ran south (down, towards the back entrance), zimm followed. so zimm is south of his vehicle at this point. the final confrontation happens on the other side of zimm's vehicle, to the northwest of his vehicle and behind the houses (where no addresses exist, zimm said he was looking for an address).

zimm stalked martin by definition in florida state law and cut off his path home, chased him down a second time and shot him. all provable by locations described on the 911 tape and crime scene evidence alone.


Well-Known Member
No one disputes Zimm could be heard exiting his vehicle, it's irrelevant, FACT

No one disputes Zimm was told his following was not necessary, also irrelevant, FACT

The wind in the phone only proves there was a storm (wind and rain) that night or Zimmerman continued walking, the question is, did he continue his pursuit or was he returning to his truck as he claimed, unfortunately, hearing the wind on Zimms phone doesn't tell us that, now does it?
if he was just returning to his truck, looking for an address, he would not be on the other side of his truck, behind the houses, where there are no addresses. use common sense.