nButane in a Can!

Theyre all the same. Youll never get an honestly "high quality" butane from a can. You still want to distill 99.9%+ instrument grade n-butane.

Do yourself and your customers a favor and only sell newport and power 5x. The colibri for $3 a can is a pretty good price so you could keep that.
Id get rid of the rest and never order again. Whippets not terrible, just a little pricey for nothing special. Power 5x is the cleanest in its price range and at times can have lower contaminants than Newport.

Dont believe any of the "99.9% n-butanes" Theyve all been tested and all contain "mystery oil" aka lubricants and machine oils, and most (all) of the time theyre a mix of N-butane, iso-butane, and n-propane. A lot of times theyre just a little bit lower in propane but a mix of N/iso butane which just causes you to have less overall pressure and when youre open blasting you want pressure.

Just trying to help out. Your customers will thank you and youll be spending less on overhead. Ive got some of the test sheets too if you want to see em/need more convincing.
Thanks for your opinion and input ,I'm a firm believer in researching different points of view to develope a broader scope of knowledge and be of the greatest value to my customers.I'll check into the newport and power 5x and perhaps add them to our product line based on your recommendation.
Add some heavier isobutane mixes is what you should do!!
Why do people talk about n tane anyway

Because people think of N-butane as being a "more natural" hydrocarbon vs iso-butane. From what ive seen a good 60/40 mix of butane/propane turns out the best. Iso is nice because of its lower boiling point but most people who want that or more pressure would probably just use a propane/butane mix VS a n/iso mix or propane/iso mix. (when i say iso i mean iso-butane)
Is there a can with a high isobutane ratio?

Ill look and let you guys know. ill post some of the pictures or link to them. I dont have all of them but the top 5-10 brands roughly. Theres a few sites with the MSDS of a lot of cans too. Most are from the manufacturer but the ones i have were done by a 3rd party.
People get way too caught up in words like natural and organic.
Iso butane is better than n butane imo. Its less polar, less combustible and easier to purge. I would prefer a higher iso/propane ratio
But thats just me
Thanks for your opinion and input ,I'm a firm believer in researching different points of view to develope a broader scope of knowledge and be of the greatest value to my customers.I'll check into the newport and power 5x and perhaps add them to our product line based on your recommendation.

Yeah its not that the other butanes are bad its just for the price theyre unnecessarily claiming things that make no difference in the purity of final product. Like whippit always makes claims about getting butane from some crazy "north sea" area thats supposed to make it sound like it should be more expensive, when in reality no butane you pull out of the ground is any bit noticeably cleaner and still needs refining from the other hydrocarbons brought up with it.

For this reason i tend to shy away from these companies. Its like the nute companies claiming 10x the yield because their bat guano is from a special place thats special only to them even though its exactly the same.

The one thing i hate more than anything is talking down to people who know what it really is and trying to take advantage of the people who dont know the difference, or lack there of, in most cases. Taking advantage of the limited resources our community has with our favorite plant being federally illegal stopping all high-end govt and govt assisted companies unable to do this testing for us.

So any company taking that side of the money over quality/information gets a big FU from me.

Ill throw up some of those results and youll be disgusted at what theyre charging for a relabeled can of butane just by slapping some claims on the wrapper.
What type of extractor are you using? How much plant material was used in the process and if after the use of only one 300ml can, you must be quite pleased with the result if your summer's covered.
I can't tell you how much I used but im going to say roughly 10 grams to half oz. Kief was also used. My dose is very low for concentrates so I have pleased myself with results that I have yet to try. The extractor was just a glass tube that fits 6-8 grams at a time depending on the pack. Can't say I got a lot but definitely enough to say this is a good enough result for me.
Again this was a test to make a concentrate safely. I have propane burners in the house so I had to seek out other options in the process.
People get way too caught up in words like natural and organic.
Iso butane is better than n butane imo. Its less polar, less combustible and easier to purge. I would prefer a higher iso/propane ratio
But thats just me

I agree with you 100%. But people get caught up with shit before doing research. I would also assume a straight iso/propane mix would have much much higher operating pressures as well considering the properties of them.

Also there is some talk about the different amounts of polarity causing different ratios of cannabinoids to be pulled. Especially in the CBD high strains people are trying to nail down the right blend of hydrocarbons to get as much of what they need as possible.

And thats what it all comes down to. Theres no "golden ratio" or specific set of chemicals that works best for everyones. Just like in growing, what works for one might not work for others. So people blend their mix according to test results on the strains that theyre commonly running.

Ive been looking more into the LHO for the past year or two but its a lot to really master and its best in producing oils for ingestion or full activation.
I can't tell you how much I used but im going to say roughly 10 grams to half oz. Kief was also used. My dose is very low for concentrates so I have pleased myself with results that I have yet to try. The extractor was just a glass tube that fits 6-8 grams at a time depending on the pack. Can't say I got a lot but definitely enough to say this is a good enough result for me.
Again this was a test to make a concentrate safely. I have propane burners in the house so I had to seek out other options in the process.

Always blast outside. No matter what pilot lights you have or dont. Carpet alone can cause enough static to start a fire/explosion.

Glad it all went well for ya! My opinion get some power 5x of ebay or one of the many places. Usually runs about $25 for a 12pk with free shipping. Should last you a while.
Yea i completely agree, thats why my go to has always been isopropanol. Some of the cannabinoids like cbd are more polar as well as the flavor and whatnot
Always blast outside. No matter what pilot lights you have or dont. Carpet alone can cause enough static to start a fire/explosion.

Glad it all went well for ya! My opinion get some power 5x of ebay or one of the many places. Usually runs about $25 for a 12pk with free shipping. Should last you a while.
I may do this next time providing I can get myself a bigger tube and more plant product. Always blasted outside with plenty of ventilation. It was the process of reducing the oil dissolved in ethanol to purge that required me to be inside but used a big fan to keep things moving.

Again I used Puretane to keep the mystery oils to a minimum but provided I do research, I could find a good enough product for cheaper correct? Since I aim to do this 'winterizing' only because It isnt practical for me to buy a vac oven anyways.
I may do this next time providing I can get myself a bigger tube and more plant product. Always blasted outside with plenty of ventilation. It was the process of reducing the oil dissolved in ethanol to purge that required me to be inside but used a big fan to keep things moving.

Again I used Puretane to keep the mystery oils to a minimum but provided I do research, I could find a good enough product for cheaper correct? Since I aim to do this 'winterizing' only because It isnt practical for me to buy a vac oven anyways.

Yeah id recommend power5x it is more than clean enough. As for the winterizing process you almost need the vac purging more than if you just made bho because of the higher boiling point of ethanol/iso.

You can get a vac chamber, heatin mat, and vac pump all for about $200-$300 which i highly recommend at some point and should last you long into your processing. As for tube go on ebay and you can find a good 1-2 foot by inch-inch and a half extraction tube for $30-$50
Yea i completely agree, thats why my go to has always been isopropanol. Some of the cannabinoids like cbd are more polar as well as the flavor and whatnot

Limonene hash oil. Its a weird process but D-limonene has a semi polar state that allows you to get a really good cannabinoid extraction/profile with minimal chlorophyll and other "tanin" grabbing. haha. But its a process to purge it because of the higher boiling point but is a ton healthier and safer to work with if you know what youre doing.
I'm going to give the whippet 5x a shot. Then dissolve in 200 proof ethanol. The 5x had better reports on remaining residuals I could find. Tried the powers 5x last time and eh. Wasn't the best. Noticed a small mercaptan odor.