NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

Charlotte had some crap that amounted to a few teenagers standing out by the road with a sign saying "honk for marijuana" or some shit and a fake ass pot leaf taped together from some tree leaves or some shit.... one group lit up a blunt, but it smelled like tobacco more than anything... They proceeded to pass this around in front of the government building while some cockfag sang songs about whales or trees or some shit... LAME...
Same day as that raleigh jump off...
Got rescheduled for rain to the next week.
They had to cancel at the last minute because charlotte wouldn't authorize the noise permit...
What was touted as being charlottes "stand for medicinal marijuana and hemp law reform" was me eating a pan of brownies and breaking a flip flop...

Organize something that will make a difference, and i will gladly join...

I hate cockfags who sing songs about whales and trees:clap:

haha, Yeah bro seriously who the fuck is in charge
of this shit. Probably hurting more than helping.

"hey look at what pot does to you, look at that
cockfag singin about free willy, is that what we want
for our kids blah blah blah".:-P
Not really . I , myself have hep C and that qualifies me for the use of Medical MJ . You can qualify with carble tunnel syndrome. Which most ppl with a computer now have.
Well Babs, I will need some help from you. So pm me when you get the chance. Lets see what we can get started and maybe just maybe get this bill passed.
ROFL, No I dont think they can. Just tell them you have chronic back pain and dont believe in using class 2 Narcs to mask the pain.
Not really . I , myself have hep C and that qualifies me for the use of Medical MJ . You can qualify with carble tunnel syndrome. Which most ppl with a computer now have.
I'm there with you bro. Been off the treatments for a few months now but that shit was worse than the disease itself.
BTW Greendude and babs, you guys have the right idea. If someone can organize it I will do my part and be there.
Well Babs, I will need some help from you. So pm me when you get the chance. Lets see what we can get started and maybe just maybe get this bill passed.
I just now came online solely to check out this thread. I am extremely busy ---stressful events, life in general....but I am at the very same time EXTREMELY SERIOUS about organizing SOMETHING.

This cannot be a matter of a small group of individuals relying on one single member of RIU to bring the attention this matter deserves.

I have "Ideas"...but that is only a beginning.

I'm literally strapped for time at this very moment...I realize we all have our lives and time is valuable, but could we keep at least some of our focus on getting together with ideas?

GD, I will PM you at a later time in the near future.
Guys.....feel free to throw some ideas out there in the meantime.

Remember.....step one is even getting the bill recognized as having even been proposed.

As I recall, the bill will not even be voted on in the Heatlh Committee until next year??? Strike my last comment......we need to know what kind of time frame we have to work with here.

This is all very feasible people....we CAN make it happen.
BTW Greendude and babs, you guys have the right idea. If someone can organize it I will do my part and be there.
Stick around Tat...spread the word.
If we make this a consolidated effort, the more likely we are to experience the reward we seek. :peace:
Remember, nothing in life worth having is ever easily obtained.
A joint effort if even on a few of our parts will surely take off........persevere, PERSEVERE.
I know the feeling Babs , Thinking about taking a full page add out in the newspaper . But I will need more ammo from everyone willing to stand up and be heard . Maybe some ppl can make up flyers and pass them out if anyone knows any local DJs that are advocates , then maybe they can get us alittle air time or atleast plug the bill a few time just to get the word out there . Any positive word we can get out to ppl will help . Even if the politicians bad mouth the bill it will get air time ,I know bad . But it will make more ppl aware that the bill is up for vote .
I know the feeling Babs , Thinking about taking a full page add out in the newspaper . But I will need more ammo from everyone willing to stand up and be heard . Maybe some ppl can make up flyers and pass them out if anyone knows any local DJs that are advocates , then maybe they can get us alittle air time or atleast plug the bill a few time just to get the word out there . Any positive word we can get out to ppl will help . Even if the politicians bad mouth the bill it will get air time ,I know bad . But it will make more ppl aware that the bill is up for vote .
Green, PERFECT......I was thinking of the flyers as well.
AND, you just gave me a WONDERFUL idea.......I forgot that I do know a DJ on a popular radio station quite well....awesome idea. :peace:
Thanks Babs, I know the feeling of being Busy . I run my own constrution company and working on opening a hydro store , so spare time is something I dont have alot of. But I said I would help with this and I'm here to the end . LOL if it passes I will be moving to NC .
Check this out:
A couple of days ago on tax day many Americans took part in a tea bag campaign. Many were protesting taxes, which had they looked past right wing propaganda and lies, they would have figured out that 95% of wage earners had actually been given a tax break since the first of April. Thank you President Obama. What is disturbing is that the right wing, special interest controlled media such as the local WLOS have failed to pick up on a different “protest” of those of us who are proud and supporting members of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform Of Marijuana Laws. Allen St Pierre delivered a Mock check in the amount of 14 billion dollars to the Treasury. That 14 billion dollars is the amount of taxes that could be collected if cannabis were legal for adult consumption. Yet even though there is overwhelming evidence that cannabis is neither the gateway drug nor nearly as addictive as coffee, the special interests from the Prison Industrial Komplex to the pulpit continue to promote prohibition. Considering that all the war on drugs has accomplished is the waste of over one trillion tax dollars, over 20 million non violent drug users incarcerated and enabled the drug cartels to amass wealth and weapons from their trade to destabilize Mexico and possibly pose a threat to us.
Of course the 14 billion dollars that could be collected by our government are only one aspect of this. If cannabis were legal - as it should be - OUR Nation would also save an estimated 25 billion annually on criminal justice savings. Currently the US makes up slightly less than 5% of the world’s population, yet we have the sorry distinction of having over 25% of the world’s prison population. Close to half of those are locked up for non violent, victimless possession only charges, yet those elected to serve US, THE PEOPLE continue to pander to the special interests. Currently there are over 2.4 million human beings incarcerated in the US, which is fewer people locked up here than in Communist China with over 4 times our population.
Whether independent, democrat or republican party affiliation, this issue transcends party politics. This is still OUR Nation those in Congress and the People’s House were elected to serve. Let US pay the taxes on cannabis and stop feeding the greedy and insatiable beast called the Prison Industrial Complex!
After 37 years of miserable failure, fear mongering and lies to “prosecute” the war on drugs and the even longer war on cannabis (1914 or 1937, take your pick when this insanity started) it is time for those in government to admit that this folly can not and will never work. The time to legalize cannabis is now and we the voters will be watching. It is no longer viable to continue this failure at our expense, while simultaneously ignoring the potential in tax revenue, not to mention the fact that legalizing drug use will put a severe dampener into the insane amounts of money and US made weapons that fuel the war on our southern border. Arturo Sarukhan, the Mexican Ambassador was asked by Bob Schieffer on Face The Nation (CBS Sunday April 12, 2009) whether marijuana should be legalized to eliminate one item from the drug cartels’ goods. While neither endorsing nor denying legalization he did make the point that both using and producing Nations need to address this openly and based on fact. Ambassador Sarukhan made the point that addressing this based on fact would benefit both Nations.
How much longer will Congress continue this insane and never ending nonsense that only benefits special Interests, such as GEO corporation which rakes in obscene profits by locking up people for something most of the country believe shouldn’t be a crime in the first place. How much longer will Congress attempt to legislate so-called “moral standards” when the entire process of running our country is nothing more than an immoral failure by those currently and previously charged with administering our affairs as a Nation!
I signed up at Great info! As far as getting the word out in NC, the only idea I have is putting flyers out about the vote and giving facts about MJ to inform people. Maybe writing my local newspaper will do the trick too.