NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!


Well-Known Member
I'll do one better Newport . Let me find the link to Ricks recipe and post it . The thing about Rick is hes a fucking hero , hes never asked for anything from his pat. and gives the cure away . The oil is real simple to make but takes alot of weed to produce . 1 pound for 2 fluid ounces . Heres the links . The last link is how to produce the oil .


Well-Known Member
Incredibly simple. And to think I was planning on trying to figure something like that out...In one way im glad I got beat to it and in another way its a bit annoying.


Well-Known Member
If the Bill passes this spring I will be producing this oil in NC and giving it to anyone that needs it . If not Then I guess I'll be doing it in Colorado . I have land in both states now . I prefer to be in NC . If it doesnt pass and I set up shop in Co. then all anyone would have to do is contact me and I'll help all I can .


Well-Known Member
The more the better . I want to help ppl . that need it and are tired of the governmental bull shit . I lost alot of good friends to cancer that could of been saved had the government hadn't filled everyone's head with the propaganda bullshit they sell .


Well-Known Member
Lost my grandmaw and favorite aunt when I was little to breast cancer...I feel ya. We just need to get a 150 acre farm going so we can bang out gallons of it a month.


Well-Known Member
i live in the UK, the law here on cannabis can be very strict with upto 5 year in prison for possession and 14year for dealing. i wanted to move to Amsterdam so i can do more plant research than i have been able to, but if this bill passes i think ill be moving to the US, it looks a much nicer place anyway!
if you need help producing your oils, i'll help ya lol..
green dude, i dont think it would have saved them but it would have made there pain much easier to handle.
i suffer with migranes from a bloodclott on my brain back in 2003 and the weed eases the pain, but here in the UK the weed market has gone crazy with less weight for your money, and people even sprinkling crushed glass into the weed to make it weigh more.
lickily the government havent decided how many plants would be personal and how many would be for "intent to supply", so people are able to grow about 12 plants without risking the 14year sentence.. but 5 is still bad!
U S A!!!!!


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine got 25 years for 1 1/2 ounce and 3 plants. Then again the cops knew and hated him but still...


Well-Known Member
Already have that covered bro . Got blue prints for a massive hydro farm and the land to build it on . Had my architect and a botanist design them for me . Plan on opening a dispensary in the Winston-Salem area to sell my bud . But plans are to produce enough from the hydro garden to maintain the farm . Half of each grow will be made into oil and giving to those that are terminally ill and can benefit from the cure.
I've been gone from this site for a few months researching and stock piling cash for this venture . I just hope the bill passes . I know alot of ppl in NC could and would benefit from this .


Well-Known Member
I say we send Tillis on a hunting trip with Dick Cheney .

I read about Rick White some time ago. I too was really interested in creating one of these concoctions.
I'm just afraid to make it...afraid I would blow up my place in the process. :shock:
....that, and the fact that it takes a tremendous amount of plants to create that oil are the ONLY things holding me back.
I believe it was back in 74 where it was learned it had the elements in which to cure cancer by our own GOVERNMENT.


Well-Known Member
Should NC legalize medical use of marijuana?

  • Yes87% (367)
  • No13% (57)

    Current pole statistics. Seems to me like we might be getting somewhere.


Active Member
Already have that covered bro . Got blue prints for a massive hydro farm and the land to build it on . Had my architect and a botanist design them for me . Plan on opening a dispensary in the Winston-Salem area to sell my bud . But plans are to produce enough from the hydro garden to maintain the farm . Half of each grow will be made into oil and giving to those that are terminally ill and can benefit from the cure.
I've been gone from this site for a few months researching and stock piling cash for this venture . I just hope the bill passes . I know alot of ppl in NC could and would benefit from this .
I will be graduating with a 4 year degree in operations management in may if your looking for enthusiastic employees!


Well-Known Member
I'm really happy to see so many willing to help others . I will need help in alot of aspects of this venture . But until the Bill gets passed all I can do is wait .


Well-Known Member
Im assuming you would be cloning everything instead of from seed correct? I think we need to start a thread and quit hijacking this one >.>