Ndangerspecimen's Synergistic Pick of the Month...

its was pretty intense at some points. the MXE took me to whole different level in combination with the music and the MDMA. its hard to describe but i was one with the music, my body was melted into the massive vibrations of the speakers. it was like being massaged by the vibrations. also, instead of walking around i floated on the pillows under my feet. i wish i would have brought more than 30mg with me.
its was pretty intense at some points. the MXE took me to whole different level in combination with the music and the MDMA. its hard to describe but i was one with the music, my body was melted into the massive vibrations of the speakers. it was like being massaged by the vibrations. also, instead of walking around i floated on the pillows under my feet. i wish i would have brought more than 30mg with me.

Integrating these two sought after compounds makes for the lush assembly known as the "love puddle".... I kid you not, once 50mg's or so of

was twinkling down my opioid and sigma receptors my knees couldn't resist to buckle and just cave in with laughter! I can't put a definitive "emoticon" to the feeling of it all... but what made the whole experience grander was the reemergence of sobriety... it didn't rot with fatigue or bland out the soul... it cushioned reality and made it whole again :D
Personally not a big fan of K idono just doesnt hit me liek it does every one else, But when i did k with E wow it was awsome. hard to explain the feeling but took the edge off a grip! Only time i liek to do K now is when i fry. FUKKK K with L is fucking awsomeeee. fucking trippy as fuck.
So last night it was proposed to me, "How about K and Salvia?"

I thought, "Wow, that might be awesome... For another time." :)

I just tried this the other day only with mxe and methylone instead of proper molly and k. was thoroughly impressed. digital love was a recurring theme in my head. cheers
Personally not a big fan of K idono just doesnt hit me liek it does every one else, But when i did k with E wow it was awsome. hard to explain the feeling but took the edge off a grip! Only time i liek to do K now is when i fry. FUKKK K with L is fucking awsomeeee. fucking trippy as fuck.

Yet to try the lysergic and ketamine combo... but not sure how it would play out... I guess the more unexpected the merrier :D

Again, ketamine alone takes a little getting use to. Personally 60 mg's speared over a 1 hr period is a great way to get pass the odd dissociative state!
Integrating these two sought after compounds makes for the lush assembly known as the "love puddle".... I kid you not, once 50mg's or so of

was twinkling down my opioid and sigma receptors my knees couldn't resist to buckle and just cave in with laughter! I can't put a definitive "emoticon" to the feeling of it all... but what made the whole experience grander was the reemergence of sobriety... it didn't rot with fatigue or bland out the soul... it cushioned reality and made it whole again :D
very nice :) :)
Yep. Ketamine is very under stated... but it cant be too understated when college kids use take trips to Mexico and get gallons full of it from vetenarians... and dont' get your hopes up, that no longer exist due to stricter drug laws!

Bah humbug!
sir you have got my brain ROLLING

my friend takes Seroquel for bipolar and she REALLY wants to trip

but i informed her that the inhibiting qualities of seroquel would prevent her from triping or lower the active ammount it takes to reach the state.

Ketamine if i could ever find it may be a good thing for her to try out as she could have a 3 day control of the manic and depresive swings AND trip lol
I feel like there's a chance that tripping could be very therapeutic for her or it might make her even more emotionally unstable. You also need to factor in environmental settings, how grounded your friend is with "reality", and the severity of her disorder... Regardless I wouldn't advise someone to stop taking their medication if they truly need it. Plus if shes been on the medication for a while her brain might have adjusted to the neurotransmitter "numbing" effects of the anti-psychotic so taking a drug that will enhance these chemicals to a heightened sense not ever previously experienced might send her psyche into a sort of shock. Like jumping from a hot tub into snow from a physical point of view... Though I'm no psychiatrist/psychologist :?:
Me said:
So last night it was proposed to me, "How about K and Salvia?"

I thought, "Wow, that might be awesome... For another time."


Nobody? I guess I'll have to test it for myself. :D