Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???


Active Member
JUz PLanted Sum seEds ,,n U noe WAt ,,,dey generate faster if u put the seeds in the soil rather then using the "wet paper towel" technique .... Neway,,i plantd lik 5 seeds in a small container ,,,i thot dey wont grow at all,,,,but they did,,now i duno how to put dem in bigger pots n wen wud b da correct time to do it ???? tHaX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --------PeACE-----------

BOOmsKi !!!!!1


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You guys, don't just rip into the guy. He's new and he's asking some legit questions.

Please try to type as grammatically correct as possible so that we can quickly understand your questions without having to decipher what you are trying to ask.

I would carefully transplant all of the little buggers into some much larger pots. How big depends really on how big you want your plants to get.

Are these going to be grown outdoors or indoors?

If Indoors what kind of lights do you plan to use? Do you already have a grow room setup?

Make sure that you take the time to read through the GrowFAQ as it contains a lot of useful information that will get you going in the right direction as quickly as possible.

Being that you planted so many seeds in one of the little cups, I suggest using a large spoon for transplanting and do it now before the roots start to develope to much and it becomes much more difficult. Each plant should have it's own pot. Go out and grab either some soiless potting mix and Fox Farms Grow Big nutrients or some Fox Farms organic potting mix that already contains nutes.

If you buy soil that has nutes in it, do not add nutes for at least 4 weeks as the soil will contain plenty of nutes. Do not use whatever that medium is in your cups now as the plants will certainly have a hard time in that.

Make sure that you water very little during the early stages and don't use too strong of a light on your little seedlings. Weight your pots right after you fill them with soil and make a note of how heavy it feels. When you add water the pots will get heavier. When they are as light as they were in the beginning you need to add water. Not before this. Overwatering and overnuteing will be your biggest concerns.

Good luck! for someone with no experience you should be given kudos just for getting the little seeds to crack and gettin' them going. Don't listen to everyone's bullshit, this site is full of useful information and wise and knowing growers with lots of experience, but if you come on and act like a 12 year old, they will attack you for it
LOL, nice. I just like bustin' balls as much as you do. WTF would being dislexic have to do with your ability to type? I can understand if you can't read, but typing? Do you see the keyboard in a different order.

Smoke a bowl, try it again, I just want to see if we have another case for MMJ.
I'm just sittin' at work bored to tears wishin' I was at home smokin' a blunt. Can't for wait for the lunch break.
WEll <,,,, i just thought you guys will be able to understand what i was trying to tell ,,, was wromg i guess,,,i have to write lik a 9 year old now,,,, why does it matter guys ,,,i mean ,,,,still you can figure out what i was tryin to ask right ??? Why attack like this,,i aint "bite in" u guys ,,,,,,,, Hey laserbrn ,,,thanx for acting matured man ,,,, Other fools are useless ,,,just a disgrace for a nice peaceful site lik dis one ........ --------------------------------peaCE oUT gUYS-------------------
one thing you should get for the transplant is, the mir-grow tranplant mix it helps the plant adjust to the soil faster. also buy the soil that has the plant food in it...that really helps..another thing is ..when transplanting into seperate pot pull out with about and inch of dirt around the roots.... this way its not going from the dirt it was directly in to new dirt...if you need a better view message me and ill show you it in picture to picture steps.. good luck
COOL GUYS !!!! tHANX FOR EVERYTHING..... and yeah,,,"dog" its not dislexic its "dislyxic" ,,,,,, :) v
one thing you should get for the transplant is, the mir-grow tranplant mix it helps the plant adjust to the soil faster. also buy the soil that has the plant food in it...that really helps..another thing is ..when transplanting into seperate pot pull out with about and inch of dirt around the roots.... this way its not going from the dirt it was directly in to new dirt...if you need a better view message me and ill show you it in picture to picture steps.. good luck

ive never heard anyone suggest fertilized soil why do you recomend it, ive heard nothin but bad thing