Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

Hey ,GUys ,,,Someone in the last post made a comment like "what is that clay that youve used '? ,,,hmm,,,,is my soil that bad? i mean ,,that was the best i was able to find down here,,,will my plant grow in that soil ???

-------------------pEACE--------------------- v
grow you must be abal to by sum local compost? the soil out side normly is not very good
no man ,,,is sad down here ,,i gota fertilizzer yesteday ,,,,even dat was sad man ,,,it was lik white powder ,,il upload sum pics of it 2moro ,,,, n this soil is not from outside man :) ,,,dats the best i was able to get tin the market ....i live in shimla(india) ,,people usualy grow weed anywhere over here ,,,,they dont care about the soil ,then too,,,thye get awsum juicy buds ,,,,,hawcum ???????
you can make yor own compost heep but it will take sum time befor its going to be ready.
That's rough. I don't know a whole lot about what products are available in India. Do you know anyone anywhere else that can send you some decent soil? I would be willing to bet that with the conditions correct you could grow the best weed on your city by far.
hmmm,,,,, k ... cool ,,,,thanks for everythin man ,,,, i shall c what to do bout the soil ................ --------peacE 4 now------------------- v BooOM SHivA!!!