Near help with counter offensive against aphids


Well-Known Member
need help mounting campaign against aphids
So I have 6 different strains of beautiful cannabis. in my clostet. that I am very excited about they are about 5ft tall and topped, now they are two weeks into 12/12 w/no problems then a few days ago I noticed lots of little aphids in the water catcher under the plants. Fuck... I have been launching a a massive counter offensive against they consisting of neem oil in high dosages and an expensive organic pesticide called azatrol that got completely rid of my spider mites on my last grow which was my first. It helps a lot but can't kill them all.
I sprayed the canopy when I first saw them and drenched the soil with the azatrol from the bottom up. ( I put the solution in the water catchers underneath the plant and had the plant soak it up cause thats where the concentration seemed to be.) I waited one day and repeated, two significant processes. Each day since then I have only been able to find no more than about five aphids at a time. I stopped spraying this morning and tonight there where already 40 or so.
Im about to start using cayenne, garlic, onion, and what ever home remedy I can find. Has anybody had success erradicating them? anybody used aphid predators or nematodes indoors in a house? Is releasing 100 winged insects into an unenclosed closet, this seems like a bad idea but I want to beat them? What sprays or drench solutions has anybody had success at?

I need to have a multi faceted attack with pesticide, oils, predators, and what ever else...

Im not tied to organic products either if it comes to it I just want these bitches gone whatever it takes.

Help me out Por Favor


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I'm 707 too. I recently found a shitload of em on the bottom of some of my clones that were vegging in 4" rockwool cubes. If I hadn't gone to transplant em, I'd never have known they were there. I'm lucky they are in rockwool. I took em all down to the sink, and sprayed the fuck out of em with tap water on all the bottoms, tops, and sides of the cubes. Then, once I thought I'd got all of em, sprayed the bottom sides with a little bit of Take Down, as well as the tops too. Then, I transplanted them to their UniSlabs, mixed up the nutrient solution, and added GoGnats just to see if it'd work. So far, it seems to have done the job.

I haven't had to deal with root aphids before, just thrips, and spider mites before. I'm still kind of nervous though, cuz I know how much damage they can do to the root zone in a small amount of time. Hey, how did that Azatrol work for you? I've been bug free for the last 4 months, but ever since I picked up some cuttings at the club, I've got all this to deal with. Fuck! :evil:


Well-Known Member
yea man nip that shit in the bud while they are small... Azatrol dominated some spidermites I had and made a caterpillar fall uut of one of the plants but it is like 75$ and these aphids are in the roots so drench feeding is expensive.