nearing harvest! need urgent advice!


so on the 02/12/13 plants fully green and healthy, trichomes started turning cloudy.. by the 17th bud swelling out producing new growth, fan leaves turning yellow, bud feels dense and full.. NOW after a hectic christmas i havnt been able to tend to them for 3 days..NO WATER, soil has completely dried and shrunk in the pot.. light timer broke so it had constant light for 3 days, some parts of the plant seem like they have been burned, temps hitting 31'C.. most of the strong-full-of-life leaves had died or have drooped down with little moisture, yellowing of the leaves has increased dramatically.. so ive watered them vigourously, soaking the soil and leaving plenty of water for them to drink in the tray.. after a couple of hours not much change but will check on them daily for the next few days.. Trichomes seem to have a variation of clear/cloudy and the odd 1 or 2 amber heads.. bud doesnt seem as dense, seems a touch dry but has held its ripeness but cant tell for sure until i look at the pictures ive taken. ive been banned on here before so not sure what the deal is regarding posting pictures.. let me know so i can show u my issues!


Well-Known Member
Once roots dry out too much, they die off and are unable to take up water. The pH in the medium also changes to an unhealthy number, since all the water is gone and it "intensifies" the acidity of the fertilizer in the medium. There is probably little you can do now. So, it's best to just cut everything down, learn a valuable lesson and start over........

sativa indica pits

Active Member
banned for pics? of after they get "too dry" and go "too far" there is no bringing them back. Its ok if they get a bit dry for a full 24 hrs even, but super crispy dry for days.... harvest now. After plants die the thc will actually drop and start to degrade. the longer u wait the worse, Maybe try setting them in straight darkness for a couple days....might help em if your not going to hack them up..


these photos are from the 2nd to now


sativa indica pits

Active Member
I would say a bit of over fert.... One of those buds was getting huge!! Did it stop growing i imagine? but they are still alive. harvest the one that is most done and leave the rest for a while.


no nutes were given while this damage incurred.. major heat damage, almost like its bleached =[ im hoping they wernt too far gone and will look much happier tomorrow.. time will tell if they grow some more!


so the roots seem to be soaking all the water up.. just trimming all the dead stuff off and found mould on the top bud of 1 of my babies!! will upload the pics asap.. cut off most infected areas but seems to be rot on the stem leading to the top bud! I need to sort this out not sure if I should cut off the top and save what I can?!?!

sativa indica pits

Active Member
your best to cut it now, cut all the buds off the stem and get them in a low humidity area asap. If left on the stem mold will tear thru the bud in a day or two tops. A fan will help also!!


these are basically photos after they had been watered and cut.. i started to cut all the dead leaves off and found mould on the top bud of two plants.. so i ended up chopping them off completely in effort to save the rest.. will check on those today to see if i do need to cut the rest down =[



LJGR33N, I am having a problem very similar to yours. After starting to add Koolbloom in late flowering, my plants are very nute burned. The leaves are crispy and dry, the buds stopped growing, AND it would appear that all the trichomes are collapsing! What did you end up doing??? How was the harvested bud???


Active Member
no nutes were given while this damage incurred.. major heat damage, almost like its bleached =[ im hoping they wernt too far gone and will look much happier tomorrow.. time will tell if they grow some more!
that bleach look is actually necrosis and is from ph fluctuations.


sorry about late reply.. due to me giving them no water or nutes for a few days the PH balance in the soil changed dramatically.. tikitoker is right on that 1.. plus my light timer broke so the light was on constantly so everything crisped up! ##WHAT YOU have to remember is not to give too much nutes or the roots to the plant will reject the nutes and water in turn.. flush the plants with water and follow the guidelines on the nute bottles.. even try half dose to begin with.. must use a 10ml syringe to get accurate results! best to mix in big quantities like 5L-50L.. and make sure solution is mixed thoroughly!## after their drought i fed them water and trimmed all the dead off and found mould! caught the mould on the top buds early so i cut both tops off and saved about 2/3 ounces!! nice mellow uplifting high but harvested a week or two early.. and had to dry quicker than usual to stop any mould spreading throughout the rest so not the best smoke but i rate it 7/10! still have the 3 plants in last final week of flowering so will keep u posted! some pics of what i salvaged.. all that was lost was the tiny pile by the jar! got lucky!




ALSO.. remember last few weeks of flowering to flush with water.. allow the plant to use all the nutes it already has naturally.. nearing harvest your leaves should turn yellow.. allow them to die completely before cutting them off ;]