Nearing the end?


Well-Known Member
About to start Week 12 and just curious what y’all think about how far along she is? Looking healthy? My goal is 70/30 milky/amber. Strain is Bubba Kush from Seedsman. I’ve cut back to just Big Bloom and Calimagic. Thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
4-5 weeks if you're aiming for more amber. Not going to make it that long though if you cut out it's nutrients.
Goal is about 30% Amber. On another thread, I got some advice to cut out the Tiger Bloom and go just Big Bloom the rest of the way. Bad advice I’m guessing? Next feeding I’ll switch back to a normal schedule. I feel like I’ve read that you’re supposed to phase off he nutes toward the end.


Well-Known Member
Goal is about 30% Amber. On another thread, I got some advice to cut out the Tiger Bloom and go just Big Bloom the rest of the way. Bad advice I’m guessing? Next feeding I’ll switch back to a normal schedule. I feel like I’ve read that you’re supposed to phase off he nutes toward the end.
You can reduce the feed, but I wouldn't cut something out entirely. Plants need less nitrogen in flower but still need it.


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: About a week later. Started her back on the regular nutes like y’all suggested.



Well-Known Member
Week 13 update: Looks like a few of the white hairs are starting to recede. No amber trichomes yet but holy colas!! Still going to feed normal. What signs should I look for as to when to stop feeding or scale back the feeding? Thanks everyone!



Well-Known Member
So I’m another forum and I’ve been told she is peak potency and pretty much ready to chop. Going to give straight water twice then plan on chopping if y’all agree she’s ready. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I disagree with the other forum's assessment. It doesn't have the look of ripeness about it yet. If you harvest now, you will do yourself and your lovely plant a disservice. Here is a good post about ripeness, really take a good look at your buds after reading it and be honest with yourself, esp look at the hairs. Good luck! Not long now, take a look at it in a week and reevaluate, might be another two weeks but impossible to say.