Nearing the end?


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the other forum's assessment. It doesn't have the look of ripeness about it yet. If you harvest now, you will do yourself and your lovely plant a disservice. Here is a good post about ripeness, really take a good look at your buds after reading it and be honest with yourself, esp look at the hairs. Good luck! Not long now, take a look at it in a week and reevaluate, might be another two weeks but impossible to say.
The only thing I’ve been told to worry about is bud “dying off” on the inside. I’m guessing that’s false as well? My first time getting one this far along so I really want to produce a quality product. Just for smoke not for sale.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could merge the threads from this forum and the other lol. So much info and advice that’s different.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could merge the threads from this forum and the other lol. So much info and advice that’s different.
The only information and advice you need has already been provided here. You are a couple weeks away from proper harvest. When I say proper harvest I mean when the plant is actually done.

Most of those screenshots you just posted all say to wait as do most people here. Do you want consensus or do you want what you want to hear so you can justify chopping early?


Well-Known Member
The only information and advice you need has already been provided here. You are a couple weeks away from proper harvest. When I say proper harvest I mean when the plant is actually done.

Most of those screenshots you just posted all say to wait as do most people here. Do you want consensus or do you want what you want to hear so you can justify chopping early?
Just the opposite actually. In the very first screen shot it literally says he would chop. I was surprised by that. I don’t want to chop it down until I’m down. I also don’t want to overlook anything. Everyone here has given good advice that for the most part I’ve followed as much as I can. I am wanting to wait as long as possible trust me.


Well-Known Member
The only information and advice you need has already been provided here. You are a couple weeks away from proper harvest. When I say proper harvest I mean when the plant is actually done.

Most of those screenshots you just posted all say to wait as do most people here. Do you want consensus or do you want what you want to hear so you can justify chopping early?
So to answer your question I’m looking for consensus and good solid advice from growers that know what they’re talking about like the people here on RIU. That’s why I posted the screenshot and asked you guys when the other forum said it’s ready.


Well-Known Member
Just the opposite actually. In the very first screen shot it literally says he would chop. I was surprised by that. I don’t want to chop it down until I’m down. I also don’t want to overlook anything. Everyone here has given good advice that for the most part I’ve followed as much as I can. I am wanting to wait as long as possible trust me.
is it an auto?


Well-Known Member
Week 14 starting today. Still seeing white hairs sticking up. Smelling awesome! My last feed was half strength, still using Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Starting to see the leaves turn people and some yellowing and dying off. Buds look nice and thick. Not trying to be annoying or post too much just keeping y’all updated :). The pic that’s more green is a lower bud site.



Well-Known Member
Week 14 starting today. Still seeing white hairs sticking up. Smelling awesome! My last feed was half strength, still using Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom. Starting to see the leaves turn people and some yellowing and dying off. Buds look nice and thick. Not trying to be annoying or post too much just keeping y’all updated :). The pic that’s more green is a lower bud site.
Looks fantastic! Wish I could help you smoke it haha


Well-Known Member
Week 15. Playing the waiting game. Leaves dying off. Still seeing white hairs sticking straight up, but red hairs coming out. Patience....patience....



Well-Known Member
Anyone seeing signs of bud rot? I’ve got a fan circulating in the tent. Really don’t want that on my very first harvest lol


Well-Known Member
Decided to cut her down last night. Smells delicious! Looks to be a halfway decent yield to me but I am a rookie here lol. We shall see once the dust settles. Trimming is a CHORE. I felt like it was a bit of a lazy trim but I had work this morning and ran out of time so it had to be quicker than what I wanted. Decent sized colas. Thanks everyone for all your help with everything! Y’all are awesome. Now to get the dry and cure right!

