Nebula has Collar Rot/Foot Rot/Damping-Off/White Mold...

Be Cool

I spent a few hours researching and don’t know what it is exactly. She sprouted from seed 3 weeks ago growing in CoCo. I potted her up from a smaller cup and buried the stretched stem into a new cup (she is under floros). I probably over watered/ferted last week giving her the same nutrients as my established Pineapple Express and Blueberry clones (under the same floros).

Normally, I start my seedling in the same styrofoam cup in soil then transfer to a CoCo Hempy bucket (also burying the stretched stem). Since I root my clones in rockwool then transfer them into the same size larger cup with CoCo, I thought I could do the same for this seedling.
As said, I probably over watered or ferted too close to the stem (first time growing this strain). My question is, can anything be done? The stem appears to be collapsing and I'm looking for Pat Morita to clap is hands together whilst rubbing vigorously to create the miracle needed when touching the plant.
Since Pat (Mr. Miyagi) has passed, is there a magical paste that can be applied to help seal the stem so that it can sorta recover and allow uptake of water long enough to take a clone or is she gonna be on her side soon?
I really want to grow out this strain and if there is no hope for this one, I'll drop another seed (after reading the helpful feedback of course).
Thanks, and be cool.



Well-Known Member
Im sorry to say but I had something like this happen to one of my first plants I ever grew.. and yes... it is going to die.

That little gray area is going to expand and just kill off your plant.... It happened to a super lemon haze seedling... Tried so hard to revive it, but it just kept getting worse.
So i removed and disposed of it, to prevent contamination!
If you keep trying and do revive it, please let us know what you did.

Be Cool

Well, I’m certainly not going to give up yet. I’ll stick it out until she falls over. I’m not planning on doing anything other than keeping the stem as dry as I can.
Don’t know of anything else to do.
Thanks Krypt

Be Cool

Here she is 3 weeks later... I cut back the feed and watering for the first week to give her a chance to recover. I am also making sure that when I do feed her I stay away from the stem. She is much happier now and healing nicely.