Need a bit of wisdom...

I've been doing research for quite a while on growing. My goal is to grow about 5 oz per month or so. I realize this is a high goal that I'm sure I won't reach for a few crops, but ultimately this is where I would like to be. I have a 5x5 closet to work with. It has 56" clearance to the rack that lines the entire wall, and 30" above that to the ceiling. I was thinking of having a 3x3 or 3x4 flowering box, and fitting the veg space around it. I also planned on using the upper racks for a cloning tray (or a similar spot). So with those parameters, is 5 oz a month likely? I haven't purchased lights yet. I would like to go with an LED setup. I really have no idea what kind of lights I should buy here. Hoping for some advice. I understand one can use fluorescent lighting for clones. Could these types of lights be found at walmart or home depot? Also, I'm planning on using Dutch Passion Power Plant from attitude. Can anyone report on this plant? time to grow, yield, strength, etc. I've been reading these forums for a while, look forward to learning from you guys!


Well-Known Member
You can get t5 for clones and veg. You can get them at lows, home depot. I would go with hid for veg and flower with hps it takes a little longer than mh but you get a bigger yield. I don't know about led. Sorry but I'M sure one of these experts will let you know. Lol


Well-Known Member
shouldnt have any problems getting 5 oz a month as long as your perpetually growing at least 5 per cycle. 5 plants per cycle should give you close to 5 per month right off the bat then as you hone in on your skills and enviorment it will increase.


Well-Known Member
That flower space is a bit small for that goal but I believe you can do it. Find yourself a 6 or 7 week finisher and you should be able to get there after 3 or 4 cycles. As for the LED lights, I'd say hold off on them. The technology isn't quite where we want it to be for cannabis yet, however, I believe it will replace HID one day. Unfortunately today isn't the day. Don't get me wrong, you will probably get similar results to a T5 with an LED during Veg, not so for flower. If your initial investment amount is decently high, there are some quality LED fixtures out there that will do you wonders in both veg and flower. Just be prepared to spend a very large sum if you want quality lighting. You buy a good enough LED and it will get you all the way through with great results.

My personal preference would be to use T5's for veg and HPS for flower with a setup like yours but thats just me. You can't build a secondary box in the same area or anything like that? Maybe a second closet for veg only. It would be MUCH easier to get those yields with a separate veg spot.


Well-Known Member
I grow in a 3x3 space using a 600 watt light. My average yield is around a pound. Experience will gain you better harvest as you continue to grow and learn. Careful with temps and air circulation in a 5x5 area. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
5 ounces/month is about what I'm drying, 1-2 oz/week. To tell the truth I can't see doing it in the space you mention.
To reach my yields I run a 8 x 8 flowering room as well as a veg and dome rooms. Actually what you want is a perpetual grow.
That's where you flower a plant or 3 per time period. So you have plants of varying ages all flowering at the same time. Every week
I move rooted clones to the veg room, move a few from veg to flower and harvest the oldest plants. It's a lot of work. See my thread
something close to "Perpetual Grow - Are You Ready?" That'll point out some of the obstacles you'll face.

Good luck, BigSteve.


I grow in a 3x3 space using a 600 watt light. My average yield is around a pound. Experience will gain you better harvest as you continue to grow and learn. Careful with temps and air circulation in a 5x5 area. Good luck!
what do you mean by average yeild is pound? in what time period? how long do you veg? and how many plants? and what grow medium? im going for perpetual flowering/harvesting atm instead of single cycle but im intrested to hear how long exactly it takes for the pound yield with 600w as i have one too freakingkite 600w hps should give you that average once you get it dialed, if you go hydroponic no problem. and sorry for asking others in your thread


Well-Known Member
I start with clones vegged for 5-6 weeks. I run my lights 24/7 during veg. Have my own soil mix. I use a mh for the first 2 weeks of flower. I feed light doses of veg nutes throughout most of the flower period. I run 9 plants in 5gl buckets. It's tight but, it works well for me. I also run everything organically. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
No problem and good luck! Another thing i've learned about my lighting with the 600 is keeping my light 16-18 in away from the tops gives a much denser bud at the end. I have a air cooled hood and used to keep the top buds around 12 in from light. I find the farther away the light is the better outcome at harvest time.
That flower space is a bit small for that goal but I believe you can do it. Find yourself a 6 or 7 week finisher and you should be able to get there after 3 or 4 cycles. As for the LED lights, I'd say hold off on them. The technology isn't quite where we want it to be for cannabis yet, however, I believe it will replace HID one day. Unfortunately today isn't the day. Don't get me wrong, you will probably get similar results to a T5 with an LED during Veg, not so for flower. If your initial investment amount is decently high, there are some quality LED fixtures out there that will do you wonders in both veg and flower. Just be prepared to spend a very large sum if you want quality lighting. You buy a good enough LED and it will get you all the way through with great results. My personal preference would be to use T5's for veg and HPS for flower with a setup like yours but thats just me. You can't build a secondary box in the same area or anything like that? Maybe a second closet for veg only. It would be MUCH easier to get those yields with a separate veg spot.
Yeah I was planning on building a separate veg room. Let's say my initial investment IS decently high... Here are my thoughts: Small (ish) fluorescent fixture and a cloning tray. (I can actually put this above everything else, leaving me a complete 5x5 space... gonna be some tricky wiring though) I want to get a nice LED fixture (depending on price of course) for the flowering room, and T5s for veg. What's a good veg-flowering space ratio for building the rooms? And can you recommend any 6 or 7 week finishers? Thanks everyone for all of the replies, been some very good information.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing research for quite a while on growing. My goal is to grow about 5 oz per month or so. I realize this is a high goal that I'm sure I won't reach for a few crops, but ultimately this is where I would like to be. I have a 5x5 closet to work with. It has 56" clearance to the rack that lines the entire wall, and 30" above that to the ceiling. I was thinking of having a 3x3 or 3x4 flowering box, and fitting the veg space around it. I also planned on using the upper racks for a cloning tray (or a similar spot). So with those parameters, is 5 oz a month likely? I haven't purchased lights yet. I would like to go with an LED setup. I really have no idea what kind of lights I should buy here. Hoping for some advice. I understand one can use fluorescent lighting for clones. Could these types of lights be found at walmart or home depot? Also, I'm planning on using Dutch Passion Power Plant from attitude. Can anyone report on this plant? time to grow, yield, strength, etc. I've been reading these forums for a while, look forward to learning from you guys!
In that space, I doubt it, but I can't fault you for trying.
You understand what you said means a perpetual grow, in only one room unless I misread, and that won't happen unless you have a secret you're not letting on or didn't mention........