Need a cheap weekend watering solution

Mad as a fart

Well-Known Member
Hi fellow growers. I have a one plant growth and going to be in flush period soon, problem is that I am going away for a few days and want a way of watering. I was thinking a gravity fed because using a wardrobe and have a shelf that potentiallycould use to hold the water.... not sure about the drain out though. I hade passive air holes so could possibly drain out there.... any idea of what I should do?
There is a device called blumats you might be able to find at a garden store or home depot but I'm not sure of a home made system other than setting up some kind of wick.
Blumats look amazing, thanks farmasensist.

Cyrus420, I'm still thinking of flushing, I have bought a flush for over feeding so might as well use it. I'm using it as med so not risking I t being harsh or anything. I may try when not relying on it. (can't risk running out)
Blumats look amazing, thanks farmasensist.

Cyrus420, I'm still thinking of flushing, I have bought a flush for over feeding so might as well use it. I'm using it as med so not risking I t being harsh or anything. I may try when not relying on it. (can't risk running out)

Dude flushing IS a myth.

If your weed is harsh it's because you're not drying and curing it correctly. No amount of flushing smooths out your smoke it only rids your root zone of important nutrients during the final stages of your plants life. Those last two weeks you're flushing the plant is supposed to be packing on it's final weight and you're taking away it's food.

If you want smooth weed you need to look into your curing methods only a good cure will smooth out your smoke unless you're @Douglas.Curtis who claims his weed dried is super smooth before curing but I don't think it's because he flushes...well he can't he grows hydro.

Also how would not flushing result in you running out? If anything by not flushing you will harvest ever so slightly more in weight because your plant was fed to the end like it was supposed to be. I assure you the dry and cure is the only way to get it to be smooth no "chemicals" are resting in your buds when you harvest.
Hi fellow growers. I have a one plant growth and going to be in flush period soon, problem is that I am going away for a few days and want a way of watering. I was thinking a gravity fed because using a wardrobe and have a shelf that potentiallycould use to hold the water.... not sure about the drain out though. I hade passive air holes so could possibly drain out there.... any idea of what I should do?
I use those watering crystals you get

soak them in a bucket and lay on the top of your soil

cheap ezy peezy
Hi fellow growers. I have a one plant growth and going to be in flush period soon, problem is that I am going away for a few days and want a way of watering. I was thinking a gravity fed because using a wardrobe and have a shelf that potentiallycould use to hold the water.... not sure about the drain out though. I hade passive air holes so could possibly drain out there.... any idea of what I should do?
a couple of 2-liter soda bottles, filled with water, poke a TINY hole in it to were it just seeps out, like a rabbit water feeder.
bury the necks in the soil and it'll work, guerrilla growers have been doing this for yrs outside, usually up in the trees and such
Cat litter tray with a good big air stone in there or even better a air ring put under the pot,and turn the pump on to keep putting air into the nutrients that you have in the cat litter tray,works a treat.

No different to a auto pot has long has you,get plenty of air into the nutrients you be fine.
Those are interesting.
The tall spikes can be removed too so they just sit on the nub thingys.
But yea, they're really low resistance, I could blow a gallon through one in no time with even an itty bitty pump, so a digi timer is kinda needed.

The 6" size fits 3 gallon smart pots really well. #lazymode
Thanks everyone. Thought about the air stone but want sure. Loads of great ideas. Will deffo be trying all in future. Also like the idea of no flush. Had a look into it and might be trying it.
I had to go out of town for 5 days and I bought a "patio" watering kit with a timer at Home Depot that worked great. I set it up two days before I left to make sure it was working right. Like others have said, though, being gone for the weekend shouldn't be an issue if you water them heavy before you leave and your pots aren't tiny.
I had to go out of town for 5 days and I bought a "patio" watering kit with a timer at Home Depot that worked great. I set it up two days before I left to make sure it was working right. Like others have said, though, being gone for the weekend shouldn't be an issue if you water them heavy before you leave and your pots aren't tiny.
Thanks mate. Planning on watering heavily and possibly a deap
I had to go out of town for 5 days and I bought a "patio" watering kit with a timer at Home Depot that worked great. I set it up two days before I left to make sure it was working right. Like others have said, though, being gone for the weekend shouldn't be an issue if you water them heavy before you leave and your pots aren't tiny.
Thanks 1701 I'm planning on heavy watering and using a bottle with small hole. Not bothering about exact amounts or anything just that she doesn't dry up. She should be ready in a week or so.
Nobody has mentioned what I would consider the easiest solution. Get a tote that can hold enough water for however long you'll be gone, fill it, throw a submersible pump in there on a timer for 15 mins, 1 time a day and use a really weak pump. Like an 80gph Max and turn the flow rate knob way down on it. Not a bad idea to lid the tote with a hole for the supply tube to come through and getting a dark thick black plastic is great too to keep light out. Also, you may need to reduce from a 1/2" outlet to 1/4" to get enough pressure at a lower gph/lph.
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Thanks folk. Ended up just with simple timer setup. Wasn't wanting to for just one plant though. She sadly passed away today.... hope she dries well. Got some massive cola for 400w in a 9ltr pot.