Need a diagnosis and possible solutions on first grow


Not a Major problem as the majority of the plant is rather healthy but a few leaves are browning at the tips, yellowing and have small brown spots.

This is a homemade indoor PC box grow, with 2 plants in soil and peat moss mixture an experienced friend gave me, and 4 26wcfl bulbs and flowering liquid fertiliser from same friends (Not specific for Marijuana, just general) with fans creating air circulation. About 2 1/2 weeks into flowering, have been defoliating for space and optimum lighting and have mainly been removing damaged/diseased leaves. Signs of hermie but only about 10 under developed sacs i tweezered off and decided I will still grow out with proper care and vigilance. Some of the browning was due to low humidity and light burn until i trained the plants a bit lower i believe as well but definitely not all, any help is great and may continue to post with a proper camera if anyone is interested or needs a better look. thanks!