need a guide water vs pot size vs plant size


Hey guys I'm a new grower and also work away from home so will have my partner watering for me.
I don't know enough to set a right amount for them to be watered while I'm away.

Is there a rule of thumb for example (plant X big in a pot X big = X amount of water a day) if there was a chart some one knows of that would be perfect

Just need this as a guide for water not nutrence which is all I could find so far.

Also I guess I should mention I am growing in 5 liter pots in a 70-30% mix of soil and coco powder.

Thanks in advance guys


Rule of thumb is just to water thoroughly once the containers are light. Soil surface will have dried out and be just slightly moist beneath. Don't let the whole thing get bone dry, weight of container and touch can both be used to gauge when to water.

Frequency will vary with conditions; as the plants grow and as/if you transplant. Plants don't generally require watering as frequently after transplants, and will need to be watered more frequently as roots grow in. Temp/humidity/air flow/lighting/CO2, etc. will all also influence watering frequency.

Worry about frequency, though, not volume. In general you always want to water thoroughly when you water, and just do so as needed.
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Active Member
What everyone has said about reading the plants is absolutely right, but probably hasn't helped you much in the way of planning for what work will be needed so I thought I would offer my experience - which you should NOT take as a rule or method but just as an example of what a fellow novice grower has found is necessary.

I have plants in 15 litre pots of coco coir and I have been watering them every other day. In the very early days they didn't need it every other day, but as soon as they had put down a decent root mass, they were getting thirsty. I reckon they might even want watering daily now, but I simply don't have the time or inclination to do that.

I find I have to spend about one hour every two days checking over the plants, prepping nute solutions and ph-ing, watering, tidying etc.

Just so you have an idea of what to (maybe!) expect - your mileage may vary depending on the many variables mentioned above.


Cheers guys!

My girl doesn't have a green thumb but I'm sure she can manage.

Seeds just poped now getting there first bit of light.

Thanks for all your help.