Need a little advice on a budget grow

The Evil M

Active Member
Hi all,

I'm looking to start my first grow, let me tell you what im looking to achieve.

I want to grow lowryders#2, I know the yeild isnt great and I can force flower a plant my self but, for the first attempt low ryders seem to be the way to go.

My space is about 3 foot by 2, I want to grow around five plants.

What light would be best for this space and type of plant, I dont fancy using multiple bulbs so could I use red spec from day one?

Ideally this needs to be as cheap as possible too, so I was thinking of getting CFLs.



Active Member
well with 5 plants you would need multiple bulbs if your thinking of using cfls. get either a metal halide bulb or hps bulb. Also you use blue spectrum off the start, instead of red.

The Evil M

Active Member
I thought it would be possible to use a single lamp for lowryders due to their size?

So there is not way of growing a lowryder using a single type of bulb?


Active Member
well yeah you can use a mh or hps, if your growing more than a few. Cfls are for small grows, and with more than 1 bulb. Its not the type of plant that needs which light, all types need the same amount of light per area. Every extra plant you grow, the more light you need per area.


Well-Known Member
the only single bulb that will really give u all u need is an hps(dual spectrum) and in the space i dont think i'd go above a 250watt due to heat isssues

The Evil M

Active Member
Ah right, I seem to be finding conflicting information as I have seen guides where people seem to be using just red for the lowryders because its flowering pretty much straight away anyway.

Thanks for replies.


Well-Known Member
certainly looks like a decent lamp to do 2 or 3, i mite even buy one myself for a mother or cloner, price seems pretty sound as well.


Well-Known Member
if ya gonna grow with cfl's of that type buy evirolite's or your risking buying cheap chinese shit that could burn your house down


Active Member
you could probably get away with 2 150w hps in there, the bulbs are smaller good ventilation and you shouldnt have a heat issue


Well-Known Member
you're gonna want as close to or more than 18,000 lumens for 6 sqr feet...

125 watt cfl will only get you 5,000 lumens.

a 150 watt HPS from HTG supply will get you 16,000 lumens. and cost about the same as that other one. the HTG one has a remote ballast, helpful when dealing with heat.


Well-Known Member
i know for sure you can fit two sunsystem 150 watt HPS with a built in ballast and reflector in that space. those suckers are small....