Need a Little Advice on Various Things, Please

quick rundown:

im new here, just registered today. keep getting dicked around by my dealers, and i only have 2 anyway. 1 is just a creep and wont answer his phone sometimes for a month then randomly calls. the other is a serious thug and shorts me sometimes but a lotta times hes all i got. so i said fuck it, im gonna attempt to grow my own!

ive tried before, had success but ended up trashing the plants about 3-4 weeks or so in, for various reasons, but now im ready to go for it 100%

when going from veg to flowering, is the time vegging more important than the size? what i mean is, lets say a good flowering size is 12-15", and i have the opportunity to put them outside for a good 15hrs direct sunlight (for now, until they get too big and noticeable) does it matter if i only let them Veg. for a few short weeks, if they can reach a good enough size? or, if i get them to around 12+ + in only 2-3 weeks, do i still need to veg them for longer anyways?

im hoping this direct REAL sunlight + a good soil combo can make them grow superfast within 2-3 weeks, get around12" then bring them inside and flower them with my indoor lighting setup to try to have a good harvest as fast as i cna

before u say "just be patient!" i have little patience and im about ready to just quit smoking all together because of the hassle. ive read plenty of tricks to having fully developed, ready to harvest plants within 9 weeks...just wondering what your thoughts were on my idea bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
before u say "just be patient!" i have little patience and im about ready to just quit smoking all together because of the hassle. ive read plenty of tricks to having fully developed, ready to harvest plants within 9 weeks...just wondering what your thoughts were on my idea bongsmilie
unless you buy autoflowering strains or an exstremely fast flowering one you can't do it in 9 weeks.
12-14 weeks

im gonna pour protein shakes into it and make it grow strong and fast

there has to be a way

ive read ppl saying they went straight to flowering from the time it sprouted and were able to produce a small amount but harvest in 6 weeks.


you can flower whenever you want but it will affect your yeild.
if u transplant to a bigger pot when u flower ur plant should atleast double in size, but the flowering period on most strains is 9weeks 12/12 light.
you can also harvest your plant early but it will be less potent and probly not taste as good.
And dont dump nutrients in it to speed the process up you will just over fertilize and cause it to take even longer.


Active Member
had some pure indica strain start to finish in 9 weeks with 3 week veg time... but its a commercial strain not tooo potent like mids
thanks for the replies fellaz

for me, im not too concerned with max potency. ive been blazing for years now but i dont care as much for it as i used to so i only use it when drinking. i prefer alcohol over green now, but cant have 1 without the other

ill get drunk as hell 1x a week and smoke half a gram of some mid and im good to go. so if i could harvest fast and get some semi-decent green id be just fine with that. 1ounce would probably last me 6months +

i can buy a 1.5gram $10 sack and blaze on that thing 3-4x lol. i used to go thru quarters in 2-3 days but just dont have the free time to do it anymore

so overall, do u think its possible to get some half decent shit, considering what i said ? i dont care about having some 20% skunky buds, just some decent shit thats a little above dirtweed


Well-Known Member
so overall, do u think its possible to get some half decent shit, considering what i said ? i dont care about having some 20% skunky buds, just some decent shit thats a little above dirtweed
for sure, and make canna butter out of the leaves too. I grew weed outdoors that never even bloomed and the shit was killer (tops are best)

for sure, and make canna butter out of the leaves too. I grew weed outdoors that never even bloomed and the shit was killer (tops are best)

damn thats crazy...wonder why they never bloomed? i might have to get back to u in a few months for some cannabutter tips. i tried making some out of some straight up North carolina dirt weed a while back but didnt get too much out of it. used several grams of straight bud just trying to experiment with maybe a single serving dose of the shit. ate it on some toast and got a mild buzz but the weed was shitty to begin with


Well-Known Member
damn thats crazy...wonder why they never bloomed?
too far North it was Mexican bagseed never had a chance before the frost came, I sold that for $80 an ounce (early '70s). I saved the tops for myself and my best friend.
Butter high is totally different from the weed you make it with as the heat converts the chemistry of the cannabinoids.