Need a little help identifying...


It's a male. Sucha let down after all that hard work. Although, wouldn't you have noticed it a little before 10 weeks of flowering?


It's a male. Sucha let down after all that hard work. Although, wouldn't you have noticed it a little before 10 weeks of flowering?

lol... I would have it I knew what I was looking for. given that they were feminized seeds, I sure didn't expect a male plant... Fortunately, this one is growing all by itself and won't 'infect' the others.

Guess i'll rip it out and start over again. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Hopefully there ain't a female MJ plant within 2-3 miles of your place...
That's a lot of balls/nanners what ever...
And so perfectly formed...


Well-Known Member
lol... I would have it I knew what I was looking for. given that they were feminized seeds, I sure didn't expect a male plant... Fortunately, this one is growing all by itself and won't 'infect' the others.

Guess i'll rip it out and start over again. :cry:
Yeah that for sure is a male. Use glove or wash your hands when you cut it so no pollen gets on your girls


Well-Known Member
lol... they were feminized seeds, I sure didn't expect a male plant... Fortunately, this one is growing all by itself and won't 'infect' the others. Guess i'll rip it out and start over again. :cry:
Something stressed your boy. You might want to look at your procedures and figure out what caused it before investing the time, again.


Something stressed your boy. You might want to look at your procedures and figure out what caused it before investing the time, again.
Not sure... this is the only one growing under lights. it's an auto-flower, supposedly feminized (yeah, right!) and It's been under the lights 24/7 for about 10 weeks. it began flowering about 2 weeks ago maybe... My other auto-flowers (outside under real light) don't even appear close to flowering. They were all planted at the same time. So, the only thing different about this one is the lighting...

Any help, I sure would appreciate it. I guess it's conceivable that a male seed got mixed up with the fems...


Well-Known Member
Have you grown indoors successfully? Was the seed in a breeders pack or given to you without? What was the source of the seed? (seed bank, friend)

Temperature also will affect the plants. Any chance it got too hot or cold in there? Do you track your humidity in the room?

With some info and maybe pics of your grow area we can eliminate a problem or two.


Active Member
I've been growing my auto's with a light regime of 18/6. I've read many reports that 24/7 light is not the best idea. Everything needs sleep.....
Also had some female clones that turned hermie once because the ambient room temps stayed above 95*F for over a week. Temps will def make plants stress.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, marijuana plants do not sleep per se but I found this somewhere : "In the dark there is a shift from leaf production to root production as the leaves transfer excess energy down to the branches and roots. Therefore, some dark time allows for better root structures."


Have you grown indoors successfully? Was the seed in a breeders pack or given to you without? What was the source of the seed? (seed bank, friend)

Temperature also will affect the plants. Any chance it got too hot or cold in there? Do you track your humidity in the room?

With some info and maybe pics of your grow area we can eliminate a problem or two.
This was my first indoor grow. I'm an old-timer... back 'in the day' we planted in some farmers back fields and we just used to grow for leaf believe it or not. These Seeds were purchased and came from a seed bank. They were feminized.

I'm guessing that temp may have been the problem, mostly because it did get warm in my stealth grow area, and also because my other plants - planted same time, outdoors, different strain - seem to be doing fine although they show no sign of flowering yet.

My biggest problem though - SIGH - is my grow area, a loft above an old garage, is now contaminated. No way I'll ever get it clean. I have to move...


Well-Known Member
I have seen an experiment done with clones using 18/6 20/4 and 24/7.
20/4 won the competition hands-down.
18/6 came in 2nd.
24/7 was a joke.


Since I inadvertently started this thread twice, I'll post my reply again on this one...

here's a couple pics of my Cali Haze, also a feminized seed. i'm thinking I was wrong about the time length; 7 weeks is probably more accurate. (It seems like 7 months...)

this definitely shows female threads, although i couldn't get a good close up in the sun. What should i do now? How long before it starts showing buds?


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