Need a little help with some light issues

So im about to start my first grow within the next week and im looking to grow 4-8 plants as i expect 4-6 will be males, then whatever females do survive will have to undergo countless amount of new grower fuck ups and mishaps. So im not really expecting to much but some experience and hopefully something better than this nasty brick weed. Now with that said, i watched "Mr greens how to grow an inside grow room" on youtube, and i like his light set up. However he uses some 4 foot fluorescent will i will also use, but he doesn't say what watt the blubs are or anything. So my question to you guys is when i go to buy my 4 foot fluorescent blubs 1 cool white and one warm white, what watts should i get? I seen some cool white 40 watt blubs for 8 bucks and gave off 3200 lumens. Assuming the warm white is going to give off around the same amount of lumens, would 6400 lumens be enough or should i get higher watt blubs? Thanks in advance
Really always depends on the space your lighting
But 80W/6400 lumens of Fluorescent seems really little to me.
I'll leave the more definitive answers to people expirienced growing with this king of lighting.

Good luck growing man.
Well i do have enough room to put 2 of these 4 foot shades, cuz each holds 2 blubs so if i put 2 of them i could get 12800 lumens, or anybody ever grow with these before?

Nvm haha i just seen in his video that hes a 400 watt hps blub for his flowering room. :/


Well-Known Member
I am currently flowering 4 plants with a single 125w 2700k CFL (8900 lumens) and things are going great. However I tried a grow with clones earlier this year using the same light and things went terribly wrong, with the light being far too high above the plants, and the room to big, wasting light left right and centre.
Oh and I veg under a matching 125w 6500k CFL... 8 weeks from seed to 14", which I think was slightly slow, but I had soil and water issues early on.

For my second grow, I have brought one of the walls n closer, and given them all 2 coats of matt white paint, with the light only 2" above the plants... they are now growing just under in inch in height every day!!!

HPS will give better results, but creates more heat and you need to allow more space between the bulb and tops of your plants. It all depends on your space and budget.

I made all the mistakes on my clone grow, but still learning, I've read a lot, so if you need any help just ask, and I promise, if I don't know or aren't sure, I won't just feed you some bull, I'll just pass.

Good Luck :)