need a little help...

krazy kat

100_1369.jpg100_1370.jpg100_1366.jpg100_1367.jpg100_1365.jpgI'm growing BigBang auto from GHS.I have wilting,a little yellowing and slow growth.My dirt mix is all organic,bloodmeal,bonemeal,kelpmeal,peat and worm castings.She as been watered well and noticed she used her water pretty fast.What do you guys think?

krazy kat

This plant has been in that dirt since she was about three weeks old.Everything has been cool till the last two weeks.I fed her a flowering nute of quano and molasses.She has been flowering for three weeks.Do you think I may have fed her to early with the quano tea?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you fed too early but I think you fed too much. Give her a good flush and feed lite after that. Remember you can always add more food but once you have fed them too much then it's a pain to get them back on the right track


Well-Known Member
Usually plants slightly yellow when going into flowering but by time your actually starting to see buds they should have greened back up by then. Thats what leads me to the conclusion that you over fed