Need a little help


I just put a few plants outside, and I realized that usually in my past grows outside they would have already started showing sex at very least, usually have nice hairs and a little bud by this time. My plants have just developed their fifth leaf set, and I just topped so I cut of the sixth set. Do yall think they will grow enough to produce a decent yeild? I live in northern Indiana if that makes any difference. The picture is one of the plants I have outside, I dont have any side shots of the other one and I cant tell if any of the other ones are the other plant outside because its just top view.



Active Member
you wont get a ton an oz or a lil more if your lucky also you shouldnt have toped i to late depending on your location all that will do is hurt your yield more


water it daily when it starts to flower but its never to late to top your plant i juxx thik it should be done before it starts to flower some strains due good with the heat after it is a plat so it needs sunlight so what better place to get it than from outside??


Thank yall for the replies! Ive got two outside, and I really only put them outside cause my indoor grow is kind of cramped. So two inside, two outside. Maybe two ounces from outside, then start flowering when I harvest and I shouldnt have to buy weed for a few months. Thank yall again!