Need a pro very bad


Well-Known Member
I been using this site for my first grow... everyday and my plants we going amazing very amazing and then the worst happend i had to leave with work for 2 weeks... thought my buddy had been learning enough to take care of them as i had no choice... please please please i need help guys there is a couple nice plants left as all show you in one picture of the cola. the rest are yellow and the leaves are so dry there crusting away. the plants are even falling over.... i need some real help bad please people with experience help me out.



Well-Known Member
Man that is a sad sight.
You can only try and nurse them back to health, but dead leaves are dead forever.
I'd give them a good watering and some superthrive.
Some fast acting nutes should help as well.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Bummer need to provide the absolute best possible conditions right now. Proper temps, water, nutes, light regime. Also prop them up and provide stableness. I would cut away all the dead stuff. If only 1/2 the leaf is dead then just cut the bad stuff off. There is a good chance they will recover. MJ is some tough weed :hump:


Well-Known Member
Don't add nutrients until you're sure the problem wasn't overfertilizing. The first pic looks like it was burned to death with nutrients or your buddy straight took a piss in your plant.

If they were mine, I'd FLUSH THE FUCK out of all of them and then do the other things mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Water in the roots and get a spray bottle too.

Get what is called an Atomizer, it is basically a small spray bottle that puts out an extremely fine mist of liquid. Really cheap, you see bartenders use them all the time to spray glasses with vermouth for Martini's :wink:

As far as I can tell you are not completely screwed. The poor babies just need some H2O.

After you hydrate them don't be surprised if they completely weep. They may fall even farther over and look really saggy but with the right light regimine, they hopefully will perk right back up again.

Hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
Also, have you been using a fan to strengthen the stems?

The lower portion of the stem looks small and week, I would also consider putting a stake next to it tied with gardeners tape or twist ties to support it's weight. Not doing it any good letting it lay on it's side like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this helps, more like something to look out for. This happened to me once when I went on vacation and I got snowed in and long story short the plants were not taken care of for like a week. The good news is, they returned back to health, the bad news was a good amount of them hermied:sad: , so good luck


Well-Known Member
I think the main thing is that a lot of your fan leaves still look healthy.

So, go ahead and prune the dead ones since they are not helping anything at this point, also stake them so they stand upright again.

Continue your flowering cycle and all should be well :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guess. im gonna snap some pics right before the lights turn on so the pics look more better and not all orengy lol And would be sweet to get them going more healty again as till now i never even seen a yellow leaf beside the few bottom ones the first grow was doing awesome. but yeah its my learning grow so its all fine


Well-Known Member
Have you asked (INTERROGATED :lol:) your friend on what exactly he did or did not do?

out. :blsmoke:
Seriously! Buddies like that are a dime a dozen. One of you two messed up. Either you didn't give him the correct instructions, or he didn't follow them, OR your instructions weren't very good. Placing blame won't help your plants at this point, but figuring out what went wrong and how, will serve you better in the future. Looks like they got burnt to a crisp to me. Classic case of neglect/hot temps and nute burn in the grow room to me. Sorry man.


Well-Known Member
you got some good lookin meds still, but some of the leaves are burned to shit, as you know. don't want to beat a dead horse but will, your buddy..never mind.

forgive him/her and give a hug (but not a nug)