Need advice and estimate of yield

I have these two CBD sharks, with a small big bang in between. How long until harvest, and am i doing anything wrong? the buds are about 2-3 cm in diameter, and a few of them have some brownish pistils. should i cut of some more leaves to allow more light to the buds?
An estimate of the yield would be nice as well.
This is my first time growing.

250 watt HPS dual spectrum light, humidity 50%, 60 m^3/ h fan for circulation, an 110 m^3/h extractor fan, carbon filter, air pump in the pots.
View attachment 2653304


Well-Known Member
Never cut leaves to let light through!! For 250W with the whole canopy full (which it looks like you did well), the benchmark is about 1g/W so 250g is my guess.

Always tuck! Never cut!


Well-Known Member
Those look way young yet dude.
Take a look at the long hairs.........
It will fill out by itself, don't cut anything.
the long hairs are about 20% amber, 40 % cloudy and 40% clear. the trichomes don't have a single brownish color. can you estimate time untill harvest as weeks? aka, 3-6 or ?


Well-Known Member
The floral bracts (calyxes) will begin to swell up and retract the pistols somewhat, and the plant will look "ripe", like some really fine marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Never cut leaves to let light through!! For 250W with the whole canopy full (which it looks like you did well), the benchmark is about 1g/W so 250g is my guess.

Always tuck! Never cut!
It's called defoliation and it's a good thing when done properly at the proper time of the plants life.

And for a beginner the benchmark is .5 gpw not 1gpw lol,that's what you try to reach after dialing everything else and reaching .5gpw.

Hell 1gpw ain't easy to achieve but alot achieve it (through time,experience,and knowledge) but it ain't easy,otherwise everyone would be hitting 1gpw.There are peeps like Heath Robinson and others getting way more than 1 gpw (try 1.5 to 2 gpw!)

To the OP,get yourself a good 60x-100x scope to check maturation of the trichomes and harvest when they are 100% cloudy/milky or 90% cloudy/miljy 10% amber.

Clear trichomes are immature,cloudy/milky trichomes are fully mature,amber trichomes tell us the plant has reached full maturity and that the thc in said trichome is degrading to CBD.Along with maturation of trichomes,look for swelling of the calyxes and for the hairs to turn a dark rrdfish/orange and receed back into the calyx.


Active Member
If you think of those fan leaves are like its power plants, then cutting them off is like shutting down its main food source. Don't cut fan leaves unless they are 80% damaged and are about to fall off anyway - fan leaves should be removed only if they are yellow! Tuck those babies out of the way if you feel you must, but don't cut them! Leaves produce food for the buds to grow. You spend its whole life cycle keeping plants healthy and green and getting as big as you can, only to cut it when it needs the most energy? People who cut leaves are slowing their bud's growth by removing food sources! If you feel that the lower buds aren't getting enough light, add a CFL or two down by the bottom of the plant or LST or super crop


Well-Known Member
You have a thing or two to learn bimple!

I will not defoliate untill stretch is completely done,and even then I do it slowly and over time till chop.leaves are directly related to roots,once stretch is over,roots don't grow as much.What we're doing by defoliating is opening budsites that don't get alot of light,to more light...bud size is directly related to rootmass....therefore no need for all the large sucker leaves.Do a little more growing and a little more research befote speaking up in the future.We don't need anymore spreading of some damn research.


Active Member
You have a thing or two to learn bimple!

I will not defoliate untill stretch is completely done,and even then I do it slowly and over time till chop.leaves are directly related to roots,once stretch is over,roots don't grow as much.What we're doing by defoliating is opening budsites that don't get alot of light,to more light...bud size is directly related to rootmass....therefore no need for all the large sucker leaves.Do a little more growing and a little more research befote speaking up in the future.We don't need anymore spreading of some damn research.
wow - such attitude - oh yeah I am spreading radical information - go ahead and listen to mr. expert here... fan leaves aren't necessary at all - go ahead and trim them away completely to let all that light in to your buds - what was nature thinking putting them there? He says that bud size has everything to do with root mass and nothing to do with leaves - so don't bother growing leaves at all - just a big root ball


Well-Known Member
Wow,like I said it's called defoliation and is a good thing when done properly at the right times...a lil defoliation after stretch (usually three weeks in to 12/12) and then again around weeks 5-6, and final defoliation weeks 9-10 of a 10 week strain.

I never said leaves were'nt important,now your hust putting words in my mouth...please point out where I said they aren't important?!

All during veg you should not defoliate,leaves are in relation to root mass,but in flower (after stretch) we're not trying to grow roots,we're growing buds...a little light defoliation here n there at proper times in the flowering cycle helps more than it hurts....just ask DHF,Marlo,Bobblehead,and many others that have been growing a long time.I myself have been growing for 15 years and have made my mistakes,learned from them,tried many techniques to see what works and what doesn't,what is factand what is pure your research,get more grows under your belt,try a side by side comparison one plant left alone till chop,the other try aslow well thought don't take every fan leaf.

Again,do some research,get more experience,get knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Really can you point me in the direction of any completed grow journals of yours?

For someone that grows you got an awfully high post rate especially for a member that joined just joined 2-3 months ago....your daily average posting is 1.65 per day.
This is my logic.

1. i know my chemsitry. I'm a GC and mensa member.
2. If there is multiple layers of leaves, there will not be a decrease of photosynthesis when i cut leaves shadowing budsites off, as long as all of the light is absorbed.
3. if budsites dont get enough sunlight, they wont grow. i think the limit is about 8000 lux.

This data equals

When you cut off fan leaves, you only redistribute the plants energy from leaves to buds, as long as the plant has sufficient leaves left.

I thought you might like a closeup of one of the buds. I know the trichomes decompose THC to CBD, the reason i gave the ratios between clear and milky, was if somebody could derive the remaining time.

If anybody would stumble upon a way to seperate THC and CBD oil, i would be most gratefull. I have access to almost any lab equipment, but as the oils have same density, i cant centrifugate, they are oils, so they dont really boil, they just decompose, rendering distilling useless, and they are both non polar. so how the heck do you separate those things?!

All of the trichomes are still clear, only about 10-20% milky


Well-Known Member
the long hairs are about 20% amber, 40 % cloudy and 40% clear. the trichomes don't have a single brownish color. can you estimate time untill harvest as weeks? aka, 3-6 or
When my buds are ready, all the hairs have receeded, back color does not matter...
Calyxes have swollen, and look like they have the biggest seed you have ever seen inside...
Clear Trics = no high... no THC... wait wait....wait... and wait some more...
Cloudy/Milky Trics is good, shoot for 80%
The bud/plant will continue to produce clear Trics until the day it is will never have a plant free of clear trics...
Also, Trics continue to ripen after plant is harvested!
No Amber/Tea colored trics today harvest, maybe in a week, you will have 3-5%... you never know...
Good Luck Man...
Might not be that way. The plant produces new oil all the time, but at the same time it decomposes. so, the output of the plant would always rise, but reach point of diminishing returns at about 80% cloudy. So its a ax=y function feed, subtracted with a fraction of the integral from 0 to x, the fraction being THC's halflife.
If the clear only goes milky at about 10 % a week, do i need to wait 7 weeks?!

One more thing i haven't been finding any data about (i have elevated co2, mesuring light intensity, humidity in soil / air, ambient temperature and leaf temperature etc).
Should i leave the fan on at night?


Well-Known Member
Cutting off the top fan leaves (the ones blocking the bottom of the plant), is counter-intuitive. You should cut off the parts of the plant that don't receive any light, not the leaves that block them. If you have a bunch of sucker budsites on the bottom of the plant or thin stretchy branches, you need to learn to plan your grow better.

Look up lollipopping. Cut off the suckers as soon as you switch to 12/12 and then again a week in.

The only time you want to remove leaves not attached to a sucker shoot is when you're purposefully trying to slow the plant down, like if one clone is growing fast while the others just rooted.

You have a thing or two to learn bimple!

I will not defoliate untill stretch is completely done,and even then I do it slowly and over time till chop.leaves are directly related to roots,once stretch is over,roots don't grow as much.What we're doing by defoliating is opening budsites that don't get alot of light,to more light...bud size is directly related to rootmass....therefore no need for all the large sucker leaves.Do a little more growing and a little more research befote speaking up in the future.We don't need anymore spreading of some damn research.
if i remove the bottom leaves, i do not change the fact that some leaves are blocking budsites. If i wanted to get the healthiest plant, i would not remove a single leaf. by removing the newly formed leaves, that block light over perhaps 2-3 buds, i spare the plant for the starch, sugar and hormones to build 2-3 new budsites. i don't alter the ammount of photosynthesis, the only thing i do is i trade 1 leaf for 2-3 buds.
The reason i don't remove suckers, is because the plant stores nutrients in every single leaf and stem, and is quite efficient at pulling all of the starch and sugars out before it withers away. Therefore when the plant can't use all of its energy on building buds, it can store the excess for later :)