Need advice for best possible yeild

Im runin (1) 400W HPS Bulb and (2) 23W CFL lights on 6 Low Ryder 2 Auto Dwarf seeds.. I do have a couple basic questions. Im lookin for a nice yeild... 1. How far away do i keep the top of the plants from the 400W HPS light? The 2 cfl's are goin to used for side lights. 2. How often should I be watering? Should I water the auto dwarfs every 2 days or everyday?.. The soil seems to be still dark and just a lil damp after 2 days from watering (about a week into sprouting)... 3. Will 400W HPS be good enough for 6 Auto flowering dwarfs? (Usein 23cfl's for side lights, only have 2)... Thank you for those that can help
Also a 400W HPS bulb is suppose to be a Horizontal light setup. However my set up is Vertical.. I still have a Cone reflector... Will that make a difference in Growth?