Need advice now!!!!!!!! Please help


Active Member
OK so i got home today after housesitting and when i got home i noticed stuff moved around and the back door kicked in. the neighbor then came down and said a pipe broke and the landlord couldnt find the spare key and kicked the door in to fix the leak. no one made any attempt to contact me at all. so i asked my neighbor what happened he said the landlord will be sending me a letter explaining everything. and didnt mention anything about the plants in my bathroom which if they didnt see them then they are blind. so i called my landlord and talked to him and he didnt say anything about plants either, im just really worried that something is gonna happen. I.E eviction . i guess what im asking is what are my options if i get an eviction notice for growing marijuana? please help,,, thank you to everyone


Well-Known Member
Not if u hide them out side in the bush etc now, do this ASAP.Lights and equip and parents/friends house. Hide the evidence then deal with what might happen.


Active Member
im sure landlords see's this kind of stuff all the time. if your not a nuisance to the community and pay your rent on time, then your pretty much okay...


Active Member
When was this, how long ago, i would have thought you would have had a visit by the rozzas by a week maybe, as they will nick you when they get bored if it was less than 5 plants any more you would have been nicked by now. your landlord may smoke and is easy with it, however he may have took photos for evidence in the future if you piss him off. if i was you id just move them and hope for the best and go along the medicinal purposes if there is photos if not deny it, his word against yours, unless he had other people there. i think the landlord should have contacted you and hes broke the tenancy agreement, but you will be evicted for growing if you get nicked. it should have happened by now though and maybe your landlord is thinking you pay good and doesnt want to lose a good tenant. let us know what happens mate and good luck, im praying for you and your ladies.


Active Member
You'd think that he would say something about it if he knew or if he knew and didn't agree with what you're doing. There's also a good chance that he didn't see the plants. People can get tunnel vision in crisis situations and not pay too much attention to their surroundings. It's your call, but if it were me I'd hide the plants someplace for the time being. It does sound really weird. I believe growing marijuana is grounds for eviction, although I'd be more worried about law enforcement than an eviction letter. If you get rid of the evidence you can try to fight it, but I don't know how far you'll get fighting it. Normally, landlords are supposed to give you a 24 hour notice before they enter your residence.


Well-Known Member
dude - nobody said a thing to you, your plants are still there, i assume you're smoking a joint right now, and i hope those plants are for personal or medicinal use - you're going to be fine. this has happened to multiple friends of mine, and it seems that most reasonable landlords (assuming you havn't redone the whole house into a large scale grow op) arn't concerned about normal productive people growing a few plants to smoke.
now go smoke a bowl and tell your plants you love them.


Active Member
It Happened On Friday Morning I Had 2 Mature 3 foot Mothers Just Started On 12 In the Bathroom And 4 papa Smurf Clones In A Small Closet. The Bath Room Door Was open When I Got Home Yesterday But Nothing Had Been Disturbed I have since Put Everything on An outdoor schedule And Hidden All Soil Bags And Lights In Use. The LL Said He Was Going To Send Me A Letter To Follow Up To Make Sure Were on the same Page. It Just Has Me Real Confused It Is Possible That The Lights Werent On While They Were . But I Dont Know . no one Could Tell me a Time Line Of When They Were There . Yes All Medical Personal


Well-Known Member
You don't have to worry i'm sure if he knows its medicinal he wont trip.. it's not like you had 16 5 foot plants you know?

and i'm sure half the people i know don't even know what a marijuana plant looks like.


Active Member
If it's medical personal and you have a license or whatever I wouldn't sweat it at all. I myself am growing illegally in a state that is not weed friendly whatsoever, actually it is the most conservative red state in the U.S. barring Mississippi. I have a tendency to project that everyone else is growing illegally like me. Yea, drink a beer or smoke a dubbie or both and just relax and don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I'd get that crap out of my house NOW. If your growing marijuana it just ain't worth going to jail if you have a chance to change before you get caught. I'd wait until they came by to fix the door they broke down + a couple of days before I put everything back in its place.