Need advice on CBD consumption to treat cancer


New Member
I have a couple of questions regarding cannabis consumption to treat cancer. I realize the jury is still out however I have a friend with incurable cancer who is willing to try consuming oil. They are really not interested in getting a buzz, so my first question is does it need to be decarboxylated to treat cancer? My second question is, what's the easiest way to extract it, bearing in mind that my friend is limited to resources in a small town in northern ontario. My third question is how much dry bud will they need (juicing a fresh plant daily is not an option for my friend), and how much oil will that result in, what daily dosage should they take and for how long? Thanks in advance for your advice.
Thanks, I am new here and don't know anyone yet. I have been doing tons of web searches on this topic, but there are 100 different answers, many contradictory, to every question.
I have a couple of questions regarding cannabis consumption to treat cancer. I realize the jury is still out however I have a friend with incurable cancer who is willing to try consuming oil. They are really not interested in getting a buzz, so my first question is does it need to be decarboxylated to treat cancer? My second question is, what's the easiest way to extract it, bearing in mind that my friend is limited to resources in a small town in northern ontario. My third question is how much dry bud will they need (juicing a fresh plant daily is not an option for my friend), and how much oil will that result in, what daily dosage should they take and for how long? Thanks in advance for your advice.
It take a tremendous amount of flower material to make oil, someone involved needs to growing and donating it. You'll want to get your friend up to a gram of oil concentrate/day asap. Most of the cbd strains available have a percentage of thc within them, so your friend will be rather sleepy/stoned and possibly unable to drive or work much during this process. The oil can be extracted with 99% iso alcohol but i prefer everclear food-grade alcohol. Heat is applied during the extraction process to evaporate water and alcohol, resulting in decarbed concentrate.
Hey cbd Rick Simpsons oil or Phoenix tears are good places to start they have step by step process of how to make and take the oil. You need to get your friend on it asap. Also the peopl at the British Columbia commpasion club are another good source of info. Keep your friends attitude positive and believe me cannibis oil can push his cancer back into remission.
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THC is the cancer killer...1lb of bud produces approx 60-75 grams...that is enough for a grand start....yes to decarb IMO...converts the THCa to THC...more tolerance slowly and the buzz will not be hard to handle...hth

I recently read that they found both THC and CBD work against cancer on their own but when combined in a 1 to 1 ratio they work best.
THC is the cancer killer...1lb of bud produces approx 60-75 grams...that is enough for a grand start....yes to decarb IMO...converts the THCa to THC...more tolerance slowly and the buzz will not be hard to handle...hth

Mojo has the right idea for sure... :)

Dont go out of your way to find high CBD herb..start with what ever you have....and go from there.
It will take a few pounds of bud to get them up to speed.
If they have had chemo and or radiation.... :( sadly those things have already done their damage and the oil will only end up fighting what damage the chemo has caused.
But not impossible...chemo or radiation are not people usually end up trying oil as a last resort. :(
If the person whats to do the full treatment of a gram or even two or more a day..
They should think about suppositories. This way there is NO HIGH and they can start taking a gram a day if not more right away.
Suppositories give the best effect as well. You get the most cannaboids into your system this way. The liver doesnt get some of it as it does by ingesting.
Smoking doesn't do it....although it will alleviate any bad symptoms like nausea and it will give the person back their apatite.

Hope this helps
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Thanks, I am new here and don't know anyone yet. I have been doing tons of web searches on this topic, but there are 100 different answers, many contradictory, to every question.
dont take to much from anyone who say..I read that... or I hear that......

read things from people who say it has worked for them.
Google is your friend.

Google the "type" of cancer and "cannabis oil"
generally speaking you want to start with a small amount and double every 4 days until you get to a gram a day of oil. the idea is to build tolerance to THC. if you get too high back off for a few days. with chemo/radiation it could take double the time and meds. everyone metabolizes cannabinoids at a different rate. using coconut or other oils as a carrier it will have a better absorption in the stomach.
generally speaking you want to start with a small amount and double every 4 days until you get to a gram a day of oil. the idea is to build tolerance to THC. if you get too high back off for a few days. with chemo/radiation it could take double the time and meds. everyone metabolizes cannabinoids at a different rate. using coconut or other oils as a carrier it will have a better absorption in the stomach.
lecithin does a better job with that if added to the mix ;)
THC is more effective than CBD against some tumors based on anecdotal reports in legal states. For example colon cancer apparently responds really well to a 4:1 THC:CBD ratio.

IMO his best bet since this is still pretty new is to look for a 50/50 split. Perhaps even experiment some depending on how the results turn out for him.

You can tell your friend that if he properly builds up his dose he will not get too wasted. Can come to a point where you don't get wasted at all (barely noticeable anyway) even with high THC when you make a point of steady regular high levels of consumption.

To me not dying > not getting high, but there are some things he can do to help mitigate that.

Suppositories will still get you high. Will probably get absorbed faster that way too. I
Make the oil. Start out eating the oil. 3 times daily the size of a grain of rice. Eventually work your way up to eating a g a day. I made the oil for my wife when she had cancer cells come back in a test. Now they're gone
All that anecdotal evidence...ya, patients don't know anything about health...
Yes we patients are all clueless if ya ask some people. If you ask me it's the Drs that are. The dr. Called the house one day. And was confused when she have my wife the news didn't know how or why but the tests came back clear this time. No cancer! This was for a test Cost 100$ to determine which strain of cancer she had if it was an aggressive one or not
THC is more effective than CBD against some tumors based on anecdotal reports in legal states. For example colon cancer apparently responds really well to a 4:1 THC:CBD ratio.

IMO his best bet since this is still pretty new is to look for a 50/50 split. Perhaps even experiment some depending on how the results turn out for him.

You can tell your friend that if he properly builds up his dose he will not get too wasted. Can come to a point where you don't get wasted at all (barely noticeable anyway) even with high THC when you make a point of steady regular high levels of consumption.

To me not dying > not getting high, but there are some things he can do to help mitigate that.

Suppositories will still get you high. Will probably get absorbed faster that way too. I
it would be great to get a 1:1 strain....but you would have to have it tested,,,that takes time!
To much time.....

to spout off what you have read other than what you have done yourself is what fucks people up.
There is no experimenting with your life!!!
Slowly will not fuck him up but ingesting will see him get high until he reaches the amount he will take daily.
Everyone is different in how it affects them'
A 95 pound chick may handle what a 300 pound guy can't

So to say this and that about anything without trying this yourself just fucks everyone up.

I wish you well in your fight..
Its sites like this that can really screw you up with advice though.