Wise Idea, Sun System builds magnetic ballast that are simple to use and less cost than the cooler running digital. It makes more noise as well. However the price is infinatly cheeper. The ballast to look at for veg or flower is probably the 1000 watt switchable. These create lots of heat so a cool basment is also wise. I, at one time used the six inch yeildmaster hoods with no cooling fan to cool the fixtures, This is pretty hard on the bulbs but totally possible if your basement stays cool enough. These are old pics of a basement grow with no vent fans on lights. They did ok this way. The cost formula Above is prettty straight forward, and the cost of running these high watt lamps, when figuring the cost of street drugs, pretty neglagible, So worth, over cost,,, it at least balances out. With a bigger foot print and the right high volume strains, you will probably come out way ahead with this powerfull of a light. I've seen these used in well vented tents as well. You might look on line at Igrow hydro, they are just one of the many dealers in Sun Systems lamps and ballasts. I like the stealth shipping practices they employ and prices are competitive, Sure you can purchase this stuff used on E-Bay, But,, sometimes someone elses mistreated equipment with no 5 year warranty is not worth the money saved. "New,"with electrical equipment is a good Idea. Alot of the listings for new equipment, through this retailer and that,are purchased,remanufactured returns from someones warranty pile. They sand blast re-powder coat the unit,re sticker and decal it,and sell it to discount "wholesalers" on E-Bay. They all do it even Sun Systems.