Need advice on how to make my closet light-tight

They are still pretty small but I need to switch to 12/12 as soon as possible because of time restrictions. I have to make the chink between the doors and at the backside of the doors and the space below the doors light-tight, how do you think would be a smart way to do this?



Well-Known Member
man we must have the same cab lol i just used adhesive weather stripping from home depot and it worked well for me. those hinges suck!! try stripping it all the way around the doors and see if that helps.


that sounds smart, thanks for the advice and nice plants mate! but how does it work for the chink in between the doors? and what i'm most worried about is the part below the doors because i have cables coming out of there lol =P


Well-Known Member
you can get the stripping in all different sizes. i used a this strip on the area where the hinges where and just fought it until it was sealed lol, it was a pain in the ass but it worked. im not sure about the cords, i cut holes in the back of the cab for all the cords to come in and used neoprene collars (for a aero cloner) and tape to seal up the holes.