Need advice on making edibles


New Member
Greetings everyone! Someone gave me these four jars (pictures attached) of some homegrown bud. I was thinking about using it to make some edibles, but I'm not quite sure what would be the easiest or best approach.

I'm open to buying a magic butter machine since I'm a complete newbie.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, everyone!



Well-Known Member

Start here. No need for magic butter machine. This site is great for discussions but there is a lot of conflicting information. The site I’ve suggested is fairly straightforward and widely accepted.

Good luck

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Here's my method:

Get a large stainless steel pot (size depending on how much weed you want to use).
Fill pot with weed (max 2/3 full)
Add enough water to completely cover the weed plus an inch or two
Bring to boil over high heat
Once water heats up add butter or coconut oil (I prefer coconut oil, because it sticks less to the weed)
Reduce to low simmer once mixture comes to a boil.
Continue to simmer for 1 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally
Remove from heat, and strain out plant matter (save all liquid). Use cheesecloth to squeeze all water/oil from the weed, and set aside.
Put water/oil mixture in refrigerator, and let sit while mixture cools and separates.
Once mixture is chilled, simply lift the cold oil/butter layer off of the water. That is your gold. Throw away water.
I will usually reboil the reclaimed weed material that was strained to get the remaining 10% or so of butter/oil which sticks to the plant material. I will also sometimes reboil the final product and let it settle/cool again to get rid of any residual plant material left in the butter/oil.


Well-Known Member
@anomalii This is mine, there are a shitload of models now apparently. I use just normal High Pressure setting(pressure cook). Set to 40 min.. usually do 20-30grams per jar. Lid screwed on but not tight. Fill instapot about 1/2 way up the jars with water.. 40 min . Decarbed... then you can add a stick of butter and do it 40 more minutes . Cheesecloth to strain and then let solidify . :weed::joint: *water outside the jars, butter inside obviously


PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I recommend strongly against making canna butter without a water buffer/filter, unless you want strong chlorophyll flavored butter. The beauty of the water method is that it keeps at a steady 212F temp so it never burns and decarbs in-process. You can even use this method for your fan leaves. Just use a pound or two of leaf (as much as you can cram into a large pot) into 16oz of butter or coconut oil. You will be surprised what a quality product you can get from leaf if you work it right.


Well-Known Member
Low temperatures are the key to make edibles which really “works”. Decarb around 100celsius untill it start to losing its colour than stop it takes around 1 hour. I use oven for this step. Than grind it finely, use 1:1:2 butter:margarine:water and boil the lowest possible temp for 2-3 hours. If needed add small amount of water. Than filter it and let it get cold. After that remove that shit water left, make the cannabutter melt and add same amount of water and stir. Let it get cold again and remove that water at the bottom again. Now you have infused butter which not make your stomach to spasm and gets you to the space...


Well-Known Member
I use 1 to 1.5 ounces of decent quality buds. Preheat oven to desired temp, and check with known good oven thermometer. While the oven is geting to temp I break up the buds. I don't grind them, break them up wearing gloves. Spread on parchment paper on 1" deep baking pan. Cover pan tight with foil, not letting foil touch buds as much as possible. And I time it according to the graph that's below. After it's done in the oven, I melt 2.5 cups of butter in microwave (I use 2.5 cups because evap and absorption will bring it down to 2 cups in the process). I use magic butter machine now, but I've used slow cooker in the past. Put melted butter in machine, add 2 tablespoons of lecithin powder and stir. Put in decarbed buds and stir. Set magical butter machine on butter setting and let it run until done. If using slow cooker, set on high setting to heat up for 30 min, then switch to low. Stir every 5 to 10 minutes. It will be ready in 2 hours.

Pour out through mesh strainer, and use a spoon to press out as much as you can against the mesh strainer.

Use to make cookies, brownies, put on crackers, or whatever you like.

I also use this method with coconut oil. The main difference is you don't need to add as much extra oil because you don't get as much evap from the oil.

Good luck! Peace:peace:
decarb graph.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Diggin that graph , thx
Glad I can help. I always try to save little bits and pieces of stuff I come across along the way. That same data has been re-posted a bunch of times on other sites. They just put their logos on it. I don't know the origin of the data.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
That graph illustrates perfectly why the water/butter method is optimal. Boil (212F/110C) for 2-3 hours = full decarb with no burn and very little loss. No reason to put it in your oven first and risk over-decarb.


Well-Known Member
That graph illustrates perfectly why the water/butter method is optimal. Boil (212F/110C) for 2-3 hours = full decarb with no burn and very little loss. No reason to put it in your oven first and risk over-decarb.
I've never tried this method. I will have to give it a try soon.


Well-Known Member
I have a magical butter machine. i love it compared to the stovetop way. minimal work with great results.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
What about dong the same thing is a pressure cooker? Have you ever tried it? I might give that a go.
I haven't tried it, but my feeling is that the timings would be different. Personally I really like the slow cook method. The only drawback is that it stinks up the house for a while. I also highly recommend coconut oil over butter.


Well-Known Member
I use butter for my grandma's special family recipe cookies. I use cocnut oil to mix a teaspoon into a cup of tea.


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with putting it in foil or something mostly sealed and baking for 2 hours at 240F, can't remember where I read about it, but you can use it with whatever after that and it works great!