Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

My question is what lighting would u recommend?, as well as wondering if spraying the top of the soil with H20, was ok...there in little red solo cups...with just soil(along with some very minor nutes,if any), I have them cover with sar-ran wrap, to keep warm moist..there in a room that stays quite warm as well, there under a 50watt, aquarium light that I've used during clone stages...this seedling thing is very very new to all and any help would be very well AA the seeds already being germanited..I'm more wondering if I'm useing enough light, or maybe move them under a 400, but I believe I've seen that might be to much? Thks again...


Active Member
I usually start my seedlings out under a couple of 26 watt cfls for the first few weeks then when they have a few sets of leaves move them to another light source. thats just me but i found that i can get quite a few seedlings started under 6 cfls. get the 5000 or the 6500k spectrum bulbs
So would my 50watt aquarium, light that I have used during cloneing stages not be sufficent?, Long with wondering if I should actual just spray/mist the top of the soil or actually pour a tad bit of water on them? Thks again..
Well I actually gave each little red cup, 2 tableSPN, of H2O, DIDN'T wanna over do it...what I have in the cups are "chrystal" "snow white" "sterling haze" and "jock horror". Again these are me strains and seedlings...have had sucess growing "purple butters" "grapefruit haze" "blueberry" "purple eurkle/eurple", and a few others, any help or tips on the watering and lighting (to much.? To little?)...thks in advance..
Well shit...ill be shocked,walked in there to take a peak and chk things out,and low and behold,out of those 8 cups I have going 6 or 7 of them actually got GREEN GROWTH ,that poped up over night- is this normal for that fast of a spurt,I was wondering if I wasn't doing things correct. But heck after seeing this,I'm pretty damn proud or me self, ill keep this/everyone updated on my quest..


Well-Known Member
So would my 50watt aquarium, light that I have used during cloneing stages not be sufficent?, Long with wondering if I should actual just spray/mist the top of the soil or actually pour a tad bit of water on them? Thks again..
have a look on the bulb it shoud say the spec on it i use a aquarium on its a 6700k or 6400k one or the other!LOL then ul be fine
if not its a ebay order y are people not getting into buying the big 250 cfls for like 20-30 qwid dual spek too best money you will spend
I keep hearing all this CFL talk, do you prefer these over traditional say an old school 400 (save for vegg), and a 1000(for your flowering).. they are going well right now...I actually moved them under my 400, but they are off to the side a good little bit...I'm wondering if it will be ok if I was to slide them all the way underneath the 400,if that might be to much for them right at the moment, thks for the input on the aquarium light...

I actually use that aquarium light sitting on two buckets for my clones I take and that light works killer for just wondering when I can really set them DIRECTLY under that 400, I mentioned above..thks again,