need advice on soil


Well-Known Member
Hello all i recently transported some seedling into the groud that were being grown in dixies cup, when i dug the holes to put them into i filled them with some miracle grow, i was wondering what will happen to the plants when the roots outgrow the miracle grow and start to reach the sorrounding soil.


Well-Known Member
nothing besides not finding enough nutrients in the soil!! unless the soil under is rocky which can halt root growth! and you should have wondered before transplanting i would def advise to have dug a bigger hole and added some perlite at least!!


Well-Known Member
how big was ur hole brutha?? you probobly should have dugga abigger hole. if the soil is compacted or rocky you might have a problem but not a huge one marijuana will grow just about anywhere. what you could do is till the soil around the plant, construct a raised bed, put in some good compost and organic nutes and mix in thoughrally. that should help giv the plant more nutes at least.