Need advice or opinions!


Well-Known Member
I have some autoflowers indoors right now, and 1 auto outdoors, well my indoors are lookin great and my outdoor is lookin good too, but im concerned about bud rot i dont have it yet, and was wondering if it would be better for me to bring the outdoor.... indoors? I know i will probably bring alot of unwanted bugs with it. What should I do, also the light schedule inside is 20/4 and outside right now it is 12/12 so will that shock it too much? THANK you to whomever can solve my dilemma bongsmilie


Active Member
For the light schedule yes it will shock the plant outside! (Because she's on The flo Schedule and if you bring it back she'll come back to Veg Schedule which isnt what you want) i'D wait until your in floraison inside.

For the rot.. if you see any rot .. remove it (Cut it)
To avoid rot just be sure there aint too much humidity and you have a good ventilation system.

When your ready to bring that plant inside, be sure to use NEEMOIL or any good anti-bugs product to avoid having too much on ure plants.

Illegal Smile

The light schedule won't affect an autoflower at all. I'd have it on 24/7.


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm growing 7 autos right now and I put them outside in the morning and bring them inside in the evening and put them under a 50w blue LED panel. As it gets colder and the days get shorter I'll probably just leave them indoors all the time. I don't think you have a lot to worry about concerning bud mold unless the humidity is really high. If it's been raining I would keep them indoors; no need in taking chances.