Need Advice Please


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have decided that I am never going to grow anything significant with a T12 fluorescent so I have found a Sunlight Supply 900490 System HPS Grow Horticultural Light 150w 16000 lumens.Do you guys think this would be a good buy and do you think it would use a lot of electricity? thanks

Los Muertos

Active Member
How many plants?

My 150hps costs about $16.00 a month, but it depends on your rate per kWh. The formula to figure electricity cost is -

wattage x hours used ÷ 1000 x price per kWh = $$


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt go with a 150 watt, if u wanna get a good yield just get atleast a 400, ive never seen anyone grow anything id consider bulky and dense with a sure ALOT have, but if your gonna shell out a few bucks for a new light, dont get one youll be bored with after the first grow, its too weak , IMO...good luck bro...


Well-Known Member
for the same price as a 200hps u can get a 400hps. id imagine the 150 would be around the same price range would stick with a 250hps at the very min.