Need advice Starting 4x8 veg room with 8x16 flower...


So my vision as of now is to run an 4x8 veg tent and an 8x16 flower tent, and i will be going soil!

In my 4x8 i will have 2 1000w lights and in my 8x16 ill be running 6 1000w lights.

My clones will be ready here in 2 weeks then i will be putting the in my veg tent for a month im getting 40 clones 20 blue dream and 20 sweet island skunk.

I am new to the grow game so im making this thread for anyone with good knowledge of growing to point me in the right direction....


Well-Known Member
Well, must be nice to have such deep pockets!

What is your ventilation like? I am glad you are growing in soil, at least for a first grow. Soil is much more forgiving IMHO than any other method.

Anyway the best tip or suggestion I can offer is to read, read, read, and then read some more. Knowledge is the best tool you can have. Thenyou will be able to ask specific questions and get better results.

Welcoome to RIU!

Good Luck and Great Growz


My ventilation is still up in the air atm im growing in a nice cool basement i am purchasing everything for my veg room in 2 days i have a basic 4x8 tent i was thinking i may just need a fan inside the tent and leave it open as for my 8x16 i am still trying to figure out the best most efficient way to go with it as in Lighting and ventilation...


Well-Known Member
Greetings, search google and find:

Though you are going soil(it's in there too) has a lot of details in it about what you are wanting to do.


Well-Known Member
That's some serious heat those lamps are going to put out. Lots of air movement and an ac. Gotta keep temp and humidity dialed in. Keep lamps high to start, after transplant. MAybe start at one gallon. Go two weeks than to a 3 or 5 gallon. Use mycos when transplanting in soil. Try and hand water. You have to feel weight of pot to know when to water. If its lite than water. Need more information on what your going to the lady's. Also teas are great for giving life back to soil. Good luck your ambitious.


Well-Known Member
I just saw the coco. First post says. Soil. Coco can be watered many times a day. Go Canna its the real deal. Buddy grows 2 plants per 1000w and easily gets over 2 pounds. Use their coco too. Its almost brain off.