need advice

e4 grower

Active Member
hey peepz im a first time grower and need some good advice first il go through my set up im useing a small cupboard grow room and done all the basics like coated the wall ect with foil and the light system is 2 standard 1ft fluoresents and 1 mini compact fluoro and baby bio for nutrients

i am also only growing 1 plant and im bout 3 weeks in to veg and i need to no will this set up get me from veg to flower and bud if the plant is female

thanks for any feed back peepz...


Well-Known Member
First off, foil is not a good reflector of light and it can cause hot spots that aren't good for your plant. You could paint the walls flat white, or line them with mylar or panda film. Secondly, how many total watts of light are you using?

e4 grower

Active Member
its a total of 30 wats maybe 35 but im only growing 1 plant will that be suitable if not let me no cheerz!?


Well-Known Member
You need more light. At least 2-3x the wattage you have now. It's possible, but you won't end up with fat dense buds. By the way, you didn't need to start two different topics with the same question.